daily notes


Last night Sam woke with Bart and wanted water; I didn’t sleep well after that; I did get up and make it to church. At Church today, I learned I need to reassess what a friend is.  The first 15 years of my marriage God gave me one friend for every place I lived. Here the last 13 years I have had a person who I could count on to help me and me help them for a short period of time and then they leave. I need to think like Jesus did; He had 40 long disciples, and chose 12, and had 3 close friends.  I have a group of friends that would fit into the 40 and the 12 and maybe I have the 3 growing and becoming.

Bart helped me understand my body better; when I run my body changes from dragging my feet and not really moving into an active person that lifts her feet with energy, even if my back muscles are worn out. If it wasn’t winter I would try and get myself up and running early to have energy for the day; since it is winter I prefer to run at the warmest part of the day.

One other thing Bart and I learned today, our fitbit counts more steps when we are tired and struggling to walk; our arms do much more work to help us move when our legs are struggling to walk. I was dragging my feet until I ran 3 miles which had many breaks of short walks from a few steps to walking across the street.

God is Good


I ended up running 7 miles yesterday; I went out wanting to run 4 miles but God put the picture of the railroad in my mind suggesting I run 6 miles; taking charlie out for a mile is the extra mile.  It took until 1:30 for my body to relax and fall asleep.

Today my body was still warn out today; I believe God is Pushing me to run further and longer to strengthen my core muscles. I do want you to know I don’t run the whole miles; I push to run longer and further depending on my strength for the day, I can run one whole mile once and a while but often a break for a few steps to give my back muscles a rest then I am able to continue running.  I do find myself stopping to take pictures of clouds and sunsets.

Today, I messed up and didn’t spend time with God until the end of the day. The other thing I  messed up on is I challenged God as He lead me to go clean up the back yard after walking the dogs.  God has used this to teach me to follow Him.  I didn’t want to go clean up the the back yard so I told God He better help me find everything and not step in anything.  guess what? I am not suppose to tell God He Better do anything. I did step in something the second time since He started Guiding me. The other time I challenged God in a different way. I will soon write about Learing to Follow the Spirit. God Bless.


I am thinking about trying a daily note to get me working and writing.  and not fearing the computer.

Last night was a wonderful night sleep until an ache in my left leg, woke me; I tried to stretch it out but found no relief.  I finally got out of bed and put on “outback” the pain reliever that healed my sciatic nerve last year, I did feel the pain spread up and down my left side and even touch my head.  I started to think it could have something to do with a front going through. I do feel an ache on my left side, at times, from my accident 30 years ago.

I finally said, “NO, Satan, you take your pain and leave! I am a child of God and you have NO Place in my life or body!” My head pain left and most of my extra body pain.  I am still confessing healing and putting on “outback” to reduce the swelling of the muscles and nerves in my body.

Not long after I was settling down to sleep, Sam was pushing Bart off the bed because he is just Big; we trued to move him down to our feet, but he jumped off the bed and growled at the door because he wanted out. It was the first time he growled at the door; he usually stands there for a while then barks. Bart got up and let him out and back in, it just happened to be close to 10 degrees outside; Sam came back in and wanted under the covers to warm up; I let him under one layer of blanket under and helped him lay down. Sleep come.

One thing I am finding I have a great desire to step out and teach; there is another part, which will not succeed, that is comfortable in class sitting. I wonder if it has something to do with learning how to handle confrontation; people that question the Truth that I know.

I believe yesterday was a day of rest: I didn’t want to get dressed in all the clothes it takes to run in single digits so I walked with Bart.  I believe today, I have been revived to feeling like a real person with desire because yesterday was a day off. It was different than most of my days of rest; sleep is normal for a day of rest and laying on the couch, not sitting at my desk cleaning it off.  Oh well, off to run I believe in the country because it is warm enough and early enough.  God is Good! God Bless each person who reads this With Well Being and Filled with LOVE and Peace!

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