The Interesting Healing

This strange body that I have is starting to confuse my husband.

For our almost 40 years of marriage my body has run hot, especially while sleeping. I would wake in the night and throw off the covers but keeping my legs covered.

One night I touched my back and found hot skin down to this line across my buttocks. It was amazing how cold skin below the line was in comparison .

That line appeared after back surgery the summer of my freshman year of high school. After turning 50 that line started to change when my nerves began reconnecting. (IT is all a miracle from God!)

The change is much like ink on a piece of paper and the attempt to erase it. As the eraser is rubbing, the ink line smears. This explains the sensation of my nerves.

I asked my doctor  about the heat and she compared it to quadriplegic not able to control their core temperature. I  have always thought the perfect coat would be one that had arms and no vest, especially when walking.

One day I asked a women what hot flashes were like. She described heat building from inside the core.

From that definition I have had hot flashes for 40 years and now that I am 60 they are almost gone. How weird is that?

God Is So Good!

How Words Can Stick

I have been making meals for my family for 35 years. The gift of having everything ready at the same time has not been mine, but it has been okay.

Lately anxiety has made a claim on my dinner prep. I need the whole day to get my self together to make the meal.

Today I made fish, Rice, and asparagus. Frustration fills me, because the fish is (over) done and water still covers the rice. Turning off the oven but leaving the fish in it is my best option. The fish is dry and I am berating myself.

The stress grabs my attention. “God, What is going on?”

A care taking moment comes to mind. Dad gently says, “The potatoes were cold, the rest was good but, the potatoes were cold.”

This brought memories of my mom running hot water to heat the serving dishes and using the oven to keep food warm.

The question: How do I become set free from this anxiety? I know it might take time, But God Do Your Work! Love You! Thank You!

“Jesus Fill me with Your Peace and Confidence. Amen.”

God Is Very Good!

Being Filled with the Word

When I first found the Love of God, I camped out in Philippians and started memorizing it. That didn’t work well, but The Word planted Itself in my soul.

Reading and meditating on the book of Philippians started to wash the brokenness and bring healing to my soul. It is this process that has filled me with Joy most of my days. Over time it also makes a fruit inspector.

We are not to judge each other, but to look for the fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness, and Self-control.

In a church we belonged to for a time, the women were about punishing their husbands and women’s lib, not walking in Love and Forgiveness.

The person I was at that time didn’t understand. One morning after church I sat by myself listening and wondering why their words and actions didn’t match up with the Bible?

This person I have become now understands everyone has a choice to submit or rebel.

The glimpse of God’s LOVE I saw and felt 40 years years ago has given me desiring to grow closer daily, so I submit. I do get selfish some, but my Desire to KNOW GOD AND HIS LOVE draws me to Submitting  and Walking in Thankfulness!

God is Very Good!

Loving My Neighbor

Holy Spirit suggested I be out front in the flower garden as God set me up to being Jesus to my neighbor.

I heard a crash as the neighbor boy fell over on his new bike. He didn’t move until I checked on him, then he stood and picked his bike up. His training wheel was out of place and the cause of his fall.

I told them to wait as I went and grabbed our Ratchet set. Returning I tighten the bolt and checked the other side to keep him safe.

His little sister asked, “Why are you helping us?”

I said, “I’m your neighbor and that is what Jesus would do!”

She responded, “I like Jesus, He is everywhere!”

Why would she ask, “Why are you helping?” She is Three or four years old and she doesn’t expect people to help?

She is not the first person to ask, “Why are you helping me?” or  “Why did you stop to talk with me?”

I do hope people will join me and act to help when they see a need.

Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,

but with humility of of mind let each of us regard one another as more important than ourselves;

not merely looking our for our own personal interests, but also the interests of others.

My First Healing

The year started with the Y2K scare and preparing to leave Florida for 2 acres of land in Kentucky. I wanted to wait for the New Year to be in a familiar place if everything went wild.

All of a sudden new pain made itself known making it difficult to sit or stand.

“God, how will I be able to care for 2 acres of land with this pain?”

God answered, “When you take your daughter to the radio station to give her tithe, ask them to pray for you.”

At the radio station, we walk in and to talk with the announcer, “God told me to ask you to pray for my healing. Will you?”

She prays.

Stepping outside, I ask God, “What’s up? I did what You said and nothing happened!”

God impresses upon me, “Jesus already paid! You do not need to pay! It is already done!”

Healing Happened Immediately! 

I remembered 10 years earlier a thought dropped into my mind, “I deserve pain for not listening to God” But God says different!

This new revelation gave me hope that someday God will take my rod out of my back. The rod still holds my back up, but God continues to heal many other areas.

God is very Good!

Words Matter

I pray  prostrate each morning and evening “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You oh LORD!” Psalm 19:14.

I add, Put Your Words in my mouth,” because the words out of my mouth cause much trouble.

This verse correlates well with Romans 12:2

“Do not be conformed by this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what the will of God is, that which is Good and acceptable and perfect.

This verse transformed my life.

I used to wash dishes looking out the window and say, “I did it again! I never get it right!”

But God, my favorite two words.

He taught me this Idea about Being the Righteousness of God and as I spoke this over my life adding “I am LOVED BY GOD! I am the Beloved! HE ACTUALLY LIKES ME!” My life started to change for the better.

I Choose Daily to Believe the Best and Confess Life Words, changing my life completely!

Walking in the Righteousness of God is a gift I receive when I believe Jesus. HE died on the cross to take all my ugliness and give me His Goodness and Righteousness.

It has everything to do with covenant. I will write more about this some other time. The thing to understand is God The Father sent His Son to pay for sin which separates people from God. Since He did this all we have to do is Receive the gift of His Righteousness and walk in it.

I suggested this to a friend. She told me how she stood taller and responded differently to people she interacted with, even difficult people were nicer. Her whole day was better because of the way she thought of herself.

It is not easy. It takes years, but nothing changes until someone decides to take the first step! Try it out and see how God thoughts change lives for the Good!

God Is Very Good.

My Testimony

My first year of College I drove 50 miles home every weekend. I was not ready to be on my own.

The next summer the family moved 1500 miles away and I joined them. It did not go well so I returned to school and truly moved out, becoming independent of my parents!

My one friend from freshman year at UND attended a folk group. The desire to sing filled me and I joined her. The leader asked us to think of what we wanted the group to accomplish and return with our thoughts next meeting.

The unexpected happened when we closed in prayer. The revelation that they have something that I don’t have! “God, I want what they have!”

Holy Spirit Filled me that moment with LOVE and JOY that I have never know in my life.

He also Filled me with a hunger to study and know the Word of God .

The Paper I wrote talked about the Joy and Love I received and I wanted to tell everyone which continues today.

If any of you want this Joy, Peace, and LOVE Tell Jesus,

“I want what she has!”

God is so Very Good!

Hard Days

It is 3:50 A.M. and I have been up just over 13 hours.

My body needed a good sleep to recover from carrying heavy wet rugs up the stairs to dry in the sun. Do you have any idea how heavy they can be?

Bart and I lifted one rug step by step setting it down most steps. I was calling on Jesus to help us get it up the stairs and out the door. The many rugs dripping made a sloppy wet path.

The reason I slept until 2:30 today has to do with the scoliosis and a Harrington rod which cause my body to quit at strange times.

Sitting up and typing stories used to take me out for days. My first story took a month to write partly because I would not be able to sit up for the next few day after working on the computer.

God has been doing this thing in my body the last 18 months. It started with getting 10,000 steps every day. That in it’s self was a miracle because it left no room for a day of complete rest.

After thirty days of 10,000 steps I started running every day making me stronger in my core. Then thirty days later I started sitting down at the computer every night and typed something. Mostly it was a journal type writing but sometimes I wrote a blog post.

The 10,000 steps stopped at 102 days which also stopped the continuous running, but the sitting at my computer and typing has continued and is approaching 18 months of not missing a day save the death of our father.

This will be day 5 of writing and posting a blog post, which I believe will turn into something new.

God is So Very Good!

Choose The Best

Do you know how I am able to be joyful even when my basement has water pouring into it?

Deuteronomy 31:19B, I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.

I Tell you CHOOSE LIFE in order that you my live! 

The first time I ever really tried this concept was when my husband confessed something God was after him to expose to the light. For the first time in my life I knew I had a choice. I could be upset and angry or forgive and be happy.

I thought what it would look like to be angry.  I have been there and done that and I didn’t want to live that way anymore.


What took me by surprise is the JOY I was FILLED WITH!

I could not keep it to myself! At work the Joy kept spilling out and I told everyone how wonderful it was to forgive!

Back to today, after the water stopped flowing last Monday, when we were heading to bed I choose to read Philippians 4:4-9 for our nightly devotions.

4. Rejoice in the LORD always, again I say rejoice!

6. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer an supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

7. And the Peace of God -shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

8. Finally, brethren, what ever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

We just happened to have our devotional book say the same thought.

Proverbs 4:23 (NCV) Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.

I HOPE you catch the idea of choosing what you think and how you want to live.

2 Corinthians 10:5, Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

I enjoy my life even when it feels like everything is against us, much of my life has been lived in fear of everything and laughing was not common.

I Choose to See the Good!

God Is Good! God Bless You

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

All night dreams of how to get good drinking water flood my mind.

Not long after waking I see someone from the electric company arrive to mark where not to dig. He said, “I received an emergency notice 45 minutes ago.”

“The last we heard was Friday or Monday!”

Suddenly trucks start arriving with equipment.

I ask the drilling team, “How much are you going to dig up? Do I have time to save my flowers?”

Someone asks, ” What exactly is it you want to save? He will pull the flowers first!”

I watch as this machine move so gently it could be picking up baby chicks, but it is my grandma’s Hollyhocks instead. These good hearted men even helped me look for tulip bulbs to pull out so I am able to replant them.

They only dig one hole. Then shoot a pipe through the ground to the house and pierce the wall!

Inside the house, they attached a mesh connecting the copper pipe to the drill and pull it through, like needle work.

I am grateful they didn’t need to destroy the brick flower bed that sits just above the broken pipe.

Just as I was thankful yesterday to have water to wash my hands, today I have water that doesn’t taste like garden hose.

It is just like God to set up a mess to bring about an important ending. He also created an opening to fix the mess!

The drilling company just happened to have an opening in the schedule to fix our water line sooner than we could have hoped for.

We had received notice of lead in the water line and how to fix the it! We bought water filters that take out the lead.

But God said, “Not good enough! I’ve got this!”

Bonus: The city paid for the waterline and we have a clean basement.