Anything Done without Faith is Sin: Romans 14:23b

My pastor has been teaching, “Walking in the dust of the Rabbi.” What does that look like here on this earth, where the feet and dust of Jesus cannot be physically touched?

Several years ago, in a Bible study a different pastor accused me of being in an unhealthy love with my Bible on three separate occasions.

I didn’t know how to respond, but God gave me the answer through BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) question of the week. The answer is, “I Love my Bible because IT shows me WHO GOD IS.”

What Has my Bible shown me: The God Who Loved me became human to show me how to LOVE. When He left earth, He sent Holy Spirit to be the same guide to me as He was to Jesus. My goal is to learn the voice Holy Spirit uses to communicate, and obey.

A few years ago, we took the RV on a 5000mile trip for my mom’s January funeral.  We drove through snowstorms and deep snow on the way there. Not finding many places to camp in the middle of winter, we learned how to use rest stops.

As we start the return trip, Bart wants to get some road behind him before we stop.
When I start driving, we are in the Eastern Columbia River Gorge. The snow blowing ahead makes me wonder, “Should we stop and make food?”

Bart gets ready to sleep and says, “We should pass the first exit and stop at the second one.”

Driving 70 MPH through the mountain passes, I have the impression God wants me to stop at this first rest stop. I debate knowing to quickly pull over in this 25foot RV will not be easy. Do I listen and obey what I think God is impressing on me, or Bart’s desire to keep driving?

The decision is made quickly, as I pass the turn off.

Apologizing I ask, “God, did you want me to stop to keep us safe from the storm we are driving into?”

God responds, “No, I had someone for you to talk to.”

Tears fill my eyes as I say, “Oh God, Forgive me! Send someone else to talk to whoever You had for me to talk to!” Regret fills my soul as I pray for that person remembering all the times God has put people into my life to lift my spirits and let me know someone cares.

I pray daily, “Holy Spirit fill me! Put your Word in my mouth and meditations in my heart, Oh LORD, MY ROCK AND REDEEMER! Help me follow YOUR Guidance daily! Amen!”