Being Set Free From Condemnation

I have come to Love Romans 8:1, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

It took many years for me to find the Blessing in this, but it is a wonderful place to live and I plan on living here for the rest of my life.

I wonder how many people believe Jesus is their savior and Lord but still feel condemnation?

Jesus has been my savior and sometimes my Lord for at least 30 years. I chose Jesus when I was 8 years old in my grandma’s church.  Years later, when when I truly left home God Filled me at a Bible study in college. Rising at the end of the first Bible study we stopped after putting on coats to hold hands and pray. This was something very different from anything I have ever experienced.  “I KNOW they have something I don’t.” I prayed, “God, I want what they have!”


GOD FILLED ME with HIS LOVE AND JOY. This came with a great desire to study His Word! I believe it is like Holy Spirit filling people in the Bible.

Years later, while doing a Bible study in 2011, God showed me, “my shame!”  This process of exposing my shame and bringing it into the open brought out pain. As I felt the pain and cried over what was, Jesus set me free from it.

What I lived, but couldn’t speak was, “I am garbage, I have no say, and anyone can use or treat me however they want.” I dressed in baggy clothes and watched tv to hide myself in other’s people’s stories.

When God set me free, everything about me changed. It isn’t a one and done process: it continues still today. Having been set free from condemnation I quickly recognize when it tries to return.

What helped me to grow in freedom is knowing, I am righteous in Jesus. He took all my shame, guilt, and condemnation! He gave me His Righteousness! In Romans 12:1-2 and elsewhere God says, “Be transformed by renewing your mind!” This is something we partner with Him in!

My process is to realize when a bad thought is tormenting me, for example, (I did it again or I said the wrong thing, or I talked too much or I messed up and they will probably never talk to me again!) I literally say, “Bad thoughts go away! I am a child of God! I am the righteousness of God in Christ! I AM LOVED! I AM THE BELOVED!

I continue to say this until I am at Peace. I strive to stay in Peace because it feels GOOD, and it is part of the Kingdom of God! Romans 14:17 For the Kingdom of God is not eating or drinking but, righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!

Come and enter in, it is Very Good! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!