Freedom From Pictures

Pictures in my mind are not a foreign concept.

For 40 years I had a picture in my mind every time I shut my eyes. My 7 year old self’s attempt to protect myself from remembering a horrendous event.  God set free in my 50’s!

Lately, Satan took the chance to insert more pictures into my mind by using Dr. Phil’s interview of children. Hearing the description 0f two stories dropped pictures in my mind.

Not wanting the pictures but not sure what to do, I would think on these whenever they entered my mind.

Finally, I decided to act when the pictures filled my mind while reading my Bible.

“God, Why is this picture filling my mind while I read Your Word?”

Speaking out loud I say, “Satan take your pictures and flee! I am a child of God and you have no place here!”

That has worked for 30 years but not today.

Next I call to Jesus, “Put what is good and acceptable in my mind as I am learning in Philippians 4:8!”

He did!

Later the pictures return during a walk with my husband.

 “Satan take your bad thoughts and leave!”

The pictures didn’t leave, but I learned earlier call on Jesus!

“Jesus to give me the good thoughts again.”

He did again!

Learning one day at a time, JESUS PAID to set me free.

I know I am not the only one with bad thoughts. Finding out that I can choose what to think changed my life completely. Does anyone have stories about choosing to take control of unwanted thoughts?


Changing Times

Change starts with a class teaching me how to use AI to improve my writing.

When I put down my fear and step out and try a new thing, it will open me to expanding my imagination and vocabulary.

After spending so many years closing myself down in self-protection, it takes work and determination to open up to new possibilities.

The second change becomes final when our neighbor finishes moving out this morning, and the new owners start moving in this afternoon.

When I first see the for sale sign it feels like I am punched in the gut! My first thought is to fall apart and mourn my loss, but then I have a wonderful idea and change it into a But God moment.

I decide to ask God to Bring us a Better Blessing! We need good friends for both of us so Double our Blessing for our former shame as it says in Isaiah 61:7a!

When everything looks like it is falling apart, it is the perfect time for God to step in and Bless us as we seek His Face.


Have you ever had a But God, moment?

Tell me about it.

Dispose of Bad Thoughts

Trauma in childhood, opens my mind to unwanted thoughts.

I don’t know I have a choice of thoughts until I am in my twenties.

In the second year of our marriage I wake nightly at 3:00 A.M., with tormenting thoughts. The only way I return to sleep is to read a God stories.

Soon after this starts, I hear someone on the radio talk about the authority of the believer.

They say, “If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you are a child of God and He has given you authority in Jesus’ name over Satan!”

The next night I wake, I speak out-loud, “Devil you have no place here, I am a child of God! Go! Flee!”

The tormenting thoughts leave immediately but come back. I repeat for two more nights and he leaves for good.

This Wisdom works well for 40 years, but today I need God to step up and help!

Lately, I have been confessing  Philippians 4:4-8 out loud as a prayer asking God for help to keep my mind thinking what is good, true, honorable, right, pure, lovely excellent, and worthy of Praise.

Last week, while reading scripture out loud satanic pictures drop into my mind. I tell Satan to take his pictures and leave but they don’t.

I don’t understand how bad thoughts are filling my mind as I read my Bible but here they are.

Since I have been praying Philippians I thought, ask God!

“God could you fill my mind with what is Good, True, Pure, and Honorable.”

He Did!

Has anyone else needed help with unwanted thoughts?