True Understanding of a Miracle

I heard a news article about a women who lived through a horrible accident in her young adulthood. Her life was saved but her financial life was killed because of the great amount of unpaid medical bills.

Forty years ago I had a horrible accident,

but God prepared me for it.

Eighteen months after being filled with God’s LOVE, He kept me reading Joshua 1 for six weeks. This is where God teaches Joshua to “Be Strong and Courageous” five times total.

Not only do I read this over and over but I also listen continuously to the song, “Be Strong and Courageous” by Michael W. Smith.

The end of July, my friends and I are planning to camp in Canada as part of a church retreat. Days before the camping trip, God prepares me with something else I am going to need. He uses a good friend to suggest I buy health insurance for just $25. (this is 40 years ago) It is in my price range so I agree and buy it.

The women drive in vehicles and the men drive motorcycles. The day after we arrive at camp God impressed upon me the power in a motorcycle, but instead of listen to His warning I go in my tent and write my prayer.

“I don’t care what You say, I’m going to buy a motorcycle and go cross country driving it.”

The next moment the guys suggest driving through the park on motorcycles, and all the girls join them.

As we start back to the camp, the guy I am riding with takes notice my fear and slows down.  Soon he realizes we are falling behind, and speeds up just as we approach a blind curve. He cannot stay in his lane and chooses to put the bike down. Both the bike and station wagon are totaled the driver flies 40 feet and breaks a leg and I am thrown off the motorcycle into a station wagon with a 65 mph impact.

God prepares the scene with an ambulance at the entrance of the park but the nearest hospital is an hour away, and they reject me because I am very broken.

These are the days before helicopter ambulances so it is an ambulance van driving me to Winnipeg, Manitoba. I spend 7 days in the ICU fighting to live and another week learning to walk again.

Mom says, “It is a flat $500 bill for each day which is great in the ICU but very high for a normal room.”

The price of my insurance goes up just after my accident, thankfully my friend pays to keep me covered as I fight to live.

My brother, who doesn’t want to be in the hospital, takes me outside in a wheelchair when I am out of ICU. The downtown sidewalks are very broken and my body is feeling every bounce of the lumpy sidewalk. When we go back to my room I notice a bone is moving that is not suppose to move. I am too afraid to say anything.

My physical therapist says to the doctor, “She is hurting more than expected, you need to check her broken bones again.”

The X-Ray exposes the three breaks in my pelvic bone have moved. I need my leg in traction. My parents decide to transfer me to the states so my friends can visit me. This drive is in the back of a station wagon with a milk laced with morphine in case I need pain medicine. Canada does things a bit different than the states.

I have a couple more surgeries before I get out of the hospital and my insurance pays all but $100.

A few years ago, my sister asks,” How did you pay for your accident?”

That was the first time in a long time that I have thought about it.

This week the news report brought into focus that God gave me one more miracle than I knew.


How many miracles have you been given that you thought was good luck?

Ponder with me the possibility that God is at work to do Good in your life and mine?

Catching Up Turns

Sending a text about Happy New Year turned

to accusing  Joyce Meyer of being a cult leader.

Anger arose as I hear someone compare Joyce, who was sexually assaulted for 15 years as a child, to Warren Jeffs who sexually assaults children.

Doing my best to not take offense I ask, “What is your definition of a cult leader?”

He says, “when the followers die for the leader.”

I’m thinking he puts God in this category when God sends Elijah to a widow and tells her to feed Elijah her last meal before cooking for herself and her son. 1 Kings 17:13-16

Or when Jesus is watching people put money in the offering and He praises the widow who puts in her last two copper coins. Mark 12:41-44

I have no idea what cults have to do with Joyce Meyer who teaches people to grow up in Jesus and forgive those who abuse you Matthew 6:14, and do good to those who hurt you, Matthew 6:44.

She does have a ministry “Hand of Hope” which feeds the hungry, opens orphanages to give children safe home and food and education, saves women who have been trafficked, helps with disaster relief, brings doctors together to heal in places without doctors, digs water wells so women don’t have to walk miles for dirty dangerous water, and so much more.

I first found Joyce Meyer in the late 90’s when she taught me to forgive my dad who kidnapped and trafficked me.

Then I learn from Joyce to bring my worries to God instead of getting on the phone and calling every person I know, to release my stress. Not only did this knowledge help with friendships but it also gives me peace of mind.

I no longer have thoughts


running  through my mind!

God says in 1 Corinthians 9:14 that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living from the gospel, and Galatians 6:6 says let the one who is taught the Word share all good things with the one who teaches.

THANKFULL, I  am a partner of Joyce Meyer Ministries for over 25 years, JOYFULLY I start to volunteering at her conferences after God heals my broken spine and gives me nerves to gain muscle.

Aside from Being filled with God’s LOVE, meeting my husband, adopting our daughter, and Mom rescuing me: FINDING JOYCE MEYER on TV CONTINUES TO MAKE THE BIGGEST IMPACT IN MY DAILY LIVING.