What is it about my body that it kicks into moving at 8 P.M.?
Is this a God Thing?
With the sun setting earlier I only have 90 minutes to work in my flower garden.
Working in my garden into the darkness starts my walk when it is too dark to see. Gathering the dogs I head out to get a mile walk for 10,000 steps.
Rounding the first block I see a man in the shadows walking out to check his mail. I hear something and think he might be saying, “Hi! or Hello!”
Walking up to see him in the street light I realize he is getting bags out of his vehicle. He said,”I’m just getting home from work.”
We have polite conversation about where he works. I mention how God gave me new vertebra and nerves so I am able to run. He says, “I fell off a ladder a few years ago and ended up with compressed vertebra.”
Offering to pray, I ask his name and put it in my phone saying, “I can’t come close to pray because of the dogs.”
He makes a noise to call the dogs and Sam has a soft growl in response.
I Pray, “God to Heal your spine and the stuff in in the middle. MAY THE LOVE OF GOD AND HIS JOY FILL YOUR SOUL!”
As we start walking I realize how perfectly the dogs behaved. They have never be so well behaved especially when talking with someone.
There are times that God sets up a meeting and keeps all the world calm to Do His Work.
I Believe he will wake up in the morning pain free; filled with a Love and Joy he has never known. Amen.
God Is Good Always!