A trip to the grocery store led to a God encounter with man in the pharmacy line.
I do make a habit to talk with people especially if we are in line together; not everyone wants to talk, but often enough Holy Spirit guides the conversation.
Today, I felt The Spirit of God as we were talking and the thought of my blog came to mind. Before I could say anything he was called to be helped and I thought that was that.
After I was done, with prescription in hand, I walked right past this same man. Realizing it was him, I stopped and went back and said, “I felt God as we were talking.”
He agreed. I gave him my blog and a couple God stories. It was interesting to watch because he took out a pen and paper to write down my blog address.
I am reminded again that I need to sit down and write the stories of how God, my ABBA Daddy, has been healing my broken soul and body, these last ten years. I know that these stories will help other people have hope and Seek God, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
The one thing I will say with confidence is, Seek Jesus! Don’t just look but Seek Him with ALL YOUR MIGHT and Know that He will bring healing.
The man I was talking with said that God healed him quickly. I on the other hand have walk through each step of my pain so I have many stories of Redemption.
Jesus says, Seek and you will find! Believe Him! His Word is True! The more I have studied the Bible the more I have found it is all True.
There are things I have not understood for 30 years but every once and a while God will answer a question and plop it into my soul with understanding. Jesus says ask and it will be given. I did ask Jesus about a pain He took away, He said, “People don’t have because they don’t ask!”
So Ask Jesus, Believe! and Receive!
I will admit He doesn’t give timelines on healing or anything. But you don’t get, if you don’t ask! So Ask and know you are a favorite child so ask as a favorite child asks their Daddy.
Jesus says as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who who believe in His name, who were born not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor of man, but of God. John 1:12-13.
God Bless you as you Seek Him! Amen!