Outback Pain Relief

Suffering sciatic pain for over a year I searched for relief. My doctor said, “The sciatic nerve is wrapped in a muscle, when one is swollen it inflames the other becoming a vicious cycle.”

Finding a solution became my goal: the medicine from the doctor did nothing, and stretches only helped for the moment. I looked into everything to gain knowledge and understanding. I saw an ad for free Outback pain relief on Facebook. I decided to try it because it has tea tree, and eucalyptus oil, healing from nature.

Applying it just above my hip joint, the pain was gone in just over a week.

Since it worked so well, I tried it on muscles pain from scoliosis, surgery, and nerve damage. Lately I have found numbness in my knee, the doctor said, ” the numbness is from kneeling.”

I use Outback Pain relief daily, to keep the numbness away!


Learning to live my life better!


What Do Words Matter?

Over 15 years ago I had my first revelation on words.

When my daughter was 6 years old I decided it was time to teach her how words can hurt. Sitting down on her bed I told her a painful lie, “you are mean, ugly, and worthless.”

As tears formed in her eyes, and my insides cringed, I quickly I told her the Beautiful Truth: “You Are Beautiful, Kind, Giving, Loving, and Smart!”

Can you feel the difference on your inside? How did it feel when I said bad things? How did it feel when I said good things? Remember this and never use the bad words but use the Good Words and Build People Up!

Today, I have a greater Revelation on the POWER OF WORDS!

God says in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 God says, I set before you life and death, I will even give you the answer: CHOOSE LIFE.

God says in Proverbs 4:20-27 Pay attention to His Words because it brings life to those who find it, healing and health to your flesh, and put away all dishonest, contrary and willful speech.

The Truth of God has impacted my life as Paul says in Romans and Ephesians: I have spent the last 20 years transforming my mind from the garbage that filled it and kept me depressed and filled with anxiety, into one FILLED WITH JOY AND BLESSINGS AND LOVE!

I am finding this year that people are not running from me but are believing what I say and hanging around to hear more.




I Corinthians 13:5  LOVE does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong!

Walking in LOVE transforms fear and bravado into kindness.

Tonight, I offered to play cards with, “the man who yelled at me.” I injected Blessings with every word I spoke, suggesting the game was for friendship and enjoyment of companionship. Who cares who wins? or being skunked? We are spending time together getting to know one another.

He struggled a bit with the concept: beating the other person has been inbred into his soul; but he didn’t reject it, he actually smiled and laughed a bit.

I imparted God’s Word: God set before us Life and Death: He gives us the answer: CHOOSE LIFE and EVERY WORD THAT WE SPEAK BRINGS WITH IT LIFE OR DEATH.

He said, “card games don’t count! They are separate.”

I responded, “Every word spoken leads to Life or Death! You can lift people up and Bless them even in a card game! Isn’t Joy and Laughter better than a curse?”

Live Life! Live Love! Speak Life! Speak Love! See How it transforms your life!

God is Good!

God is Very Good!

Changing Times

Traveling West 5000 miles round trip for the 6th time in 2 years, one the year before: we know the rest stops by heart, and the dogs have learned it is a LONG WAY so sleep!

In the middle of the trip is my favorite rest stop; a place to relax and walk up a big hill and take in the Beautiful sights!

Depending on which direction we are heading, into or out of Wyoming we are either preparing for Wind or taking a break from the wind and in January the blowing snow!

God is Good and has Kept us Safe each time through! One step at a time!

God Bless each of you this day! Amen!

My First Page redo for Jerry’s Guild

It is January, I need to drive West to spend the last days with my mom. We need food and prescriptions for the 2500 mile trip. As I wait for my prescription, Mom appears in my mind. No time for shopping, I need to get home. Paying for the prescription, I leave.

I walk in the door and Bart is leaving, “I have some errands to run, be back later!”

“A text arrived from my sister, it is a picture of my mom, she looks dead already!”

“Sorry, I will be back soon!”

Believing my mom can hang on, I hope! Twenty minutes later another text comes. She is gone.

WHAT DO I DO?  I am alone 2500 miles from family. WHAT DO I DO? My sister calls, “The pastor is here and he wants to know, what is the most important thing about Mom?”



Forty-seven years earlier, my friend says, “It looks like you are moving.”

“NO, WE AREN’T!” I turn and see a U-Haul behind a station wagon and my dad is packing. Very soon I am in the third seat, leaning out the window saying goodbye, “I will write to you!”

Dad says, “NO, YOU WON’T!”

Everyone is in the car except…  “Where’s Mom?”

Fighting my Battle

God has given me a dream of helping millions of women to be set free: from the lies of the devil, the garbage they have been handed in life, and from thoughts which enslaves them.

When I look at my self, I see a 56 year old woman who is only now learning how to communicate clearly. From the worlds point of view 56 is close to 60 which is when people start to die, or what I saw growing up. Who am I to think I could be used?

Walking out the door, Bart reminded me a few years ago he thought I would be using a walker, or a wheelchair by this age. During prayer meeting I mentioned how I see myself doing what Joyce Meyer is doing but I am already 56 years old, Joyce started so many years earlier. Jody spoke up and said, that is why you are going to live to 120 years old. Living to 120 is a thought God dropped into my mind when I turned 50, I am not yet even to middle age.

Tonight is the first time I have ever looked at Abraham and compare him to my life; he became a father in his old age and lived 75 more years, maybe I need to pay more attention. Abraham had to Believe God and not look at his body. I need to remember How God has healed my body and is continuing to make it new, not look or think about my age!

This God, who changed me from a broken body, bent and limping in chronic pain for 28 years to standing tall and straight with no limp, pain free, and daily run or walk 5 miles! He is able to do what needs to be done for me to succeed in helping others.


Sleep and the Sun

Some of my earliest memories of the sunrise are weekends at Grandma B’s farmhouse in the summer.  She would wake me each morning to stand at the edge of the field, and watch the sun come up and puts words of being a princess in my head. In a dress with a white sweater, she would hold me tight, keeping away the morning chill, standing together, filled with love, watching the sun rise.

A few years later we are living on Grandma W’s farm. This Grandma didn’t rise to watch the sun, but to work the farm. Each morning I would wake with the sunshine peaking in my window, and the sound of Grandma making breakfast was traveling up the stairs, to my ears.  Crawling out of bed, I tip toe down the stairs quietly, allowing my sister to continue sleeping. Grandma reacts with surprise and joy when she sees me enter the dining room and greets me with a hug! I see the sun pouring in the windows, casting a beautiful glow in the dining room that is only seen in the early morning summer sun. Grandpa is out milking the cows before I wake up; but he makes it back to the kitchen before breakfast carrying a pail of fresh milk for Grandma: to be strained, skimmed, and chilled. Each morning we poured the fresh cream on our cereal and berries, what a treat.

During the years my daughter is a toddler, I am pleased to find she is not a morning person. She joins my husband wanting to sleep in giving me the ability to get up and spend some quiet time with God before the day gets busy. This works well all the days of my life, until year 50!

To have the morning change so drastically, my evening also needed to change! All my life, bedtime has been around 10 in the evening.  I am very thankful for my friends during sleepovers; they moaned and complained, but didn’t prank me when I fell asleep, long before they did.

The days my daughter is young, I am often tempted to go to bed just after 8 pm! The very last year I go to bed before midnight, I have an online Hebrew class; it ends at 10 PM, pushing me to stay awake until it ends. The very next year I have a Hebrew class in the morning and I struggle to pull myself out of bed and be awake up for it.

Something switches around the time I turned 50: sleep starts coming in the early morning with the sun rising! It is such a strange thought to feel awake and alert and look at the clock to see it is midnight! It messes with my head! This change shows up when I wake up, wide awake after sleeping in bed for 2-3 hours. I start to be awake for hours in bed.  At first it bothers me and I stress about how little sleep I am going to get because 5 am is approaching. I pray and take medication to sleep, but stay awake. I turn on a cd or podcasts to keep my mind positive and learn, while I wait to fall back asleep.

Before the change, in my 40’s I am so weak (from scoliosis and accident damage) I nap 1-3 hours in the afternoon after the 8-10 hours of sleep at night. Turning 50, Menopause has something to do with my sleep changing, but also the healing and strength God is providing has a great deal to do with it.

WISDOM ARRIVED!  I lay down (not in bed) if I am tired, resting my back for scoliosis.  Going to bed before midnight, no longer works. I learned Peace and how to enjoy my time awake in bed. Stress and worry make everything worse; if I am not sleeping, I trust God to carry me through my day.



Still Here

Just in case you thought I disappeared I pledge to be back to tell you all the ways God has been changing me these last few months. I have been changing by leaps and bounds as God is helping me get my house in order for Him to Use me. Already He is growing my faith to reach out to strangers I meet in the grocery store, the doctors office, or a rest stop and pray for their healing. I have not had the chance to see miracles healing but I have planted seeds for God to Water and Grow His Love in their hearts.

God Bless each and every one who reads my blog, tomorrow I will have my new logo set to my blog. I have chosen one with Marcia, and Bart likes it; I am growing and becoming normal enough that unless I say something people don’t know I spent my life being broken. God Is a Wonderful Miraculous Loving Father Who Brings Healing if you allow Him!

Do you like the logo?

Soul Control

My soul (mind, will, and emotion) was the part of my life that put me on a roller-coaster of Great Heights and Deep Despair; for weeks at a time depression would take over my life and I didn’t know why or have any control. I called my pastor one day I was not doing well. We talked for 20 minutes and the things she said, lifted me up, and then dropped me back into despair, and around again. Shocked, I learned from that conversation, that the words of another person controlled my feelings!

How was it so easy for my emotions to be lead up and down like a game at the county fair? Power, I gave away my power over what I thought which changed my feelings and my will to act!

MY LIFE STARTED TO CHANGE when I saw and understood Ephesians 4:22-24 and Romans 12:1-2 where God talks about renewing my mind, and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 where He says take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Philippians 4:8 Tells us what to think: what ever is true, honorable, right pure, lovely, of good repute, any excellence and worthy of praise let your mind dwell on these things.

Bit by bit my life improved so that now when I have a bad thought that starts to take me down; I usually catch it and kick it out of my head and replace it with a Good Thought within a few minutes, maybe up to a few hours, but never for more than a day. It is so different to live life with positive thinking and believing the best about a situation or a person. Life is a joy to live.

I do have to say it is more than just positive thinking; God’s Word Has Power to change your life and the way you think. He has set me free from Emotional and Physical Pain and changed my Soul so I am able to have a conversation with people and they have no idea anything ever happened.

Come join me in Living a Good Enjoyable life in Jesus!

Healing my Soul

The first step of my soul being healed took place when we moved to my grandparent’s farm. They attended a little country church, the first week I asked my mom if I could join the choir.

I was 8 years old and it was a choir of about 8 adults: they allowed me to join. I remember singing in the choir up front and looking up to where God was. I was asking God to be in my life. God started to heal to my soul, from the prior year of stuff people make movies out of. During fifth grade I started taking communion and it filled me with  Joy, until I was yelled at, but that is another story.

Eleven years later, I joined a Praise team for Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship; closing the first meeting we gathered to pray, I saw something in them that I didn’t have. I asked God, at that moment to give me what they had. He did! I was filled with LOVE and JOY that carried me through everything, even 35 years later. I wanted to tell everyone about this Great Joy and Love, but  my friends tried to get me to calm down just a bit. I was probably more like a bull in a china shop for many years.

Even with this Joy, I struggled with depression and anxiety; it doesn’t sound like it meshes does it? I can’t explain it but it is true. Reading my journals from all the years they are all filled with Joy even when I was going through struggles. Maybe just Knowing The God of the Universe was listening to me and He cared about me made the difference.

Some anxiety left when I became a mother, but most of the work began when I found Joyce Meyer on the radio and then on the TV. She taught me to give my worries to God and then change the way I was thinking to line up with the way God says in His Word. Think on Good and Positive things. It has taken 20 years, but the first year I practiced giving God my worries and leaving them with Him, greatly improved my everyday life.

My suggestion to heal your soul is to connect with God, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! The Great I AM! Jesus His Son Who Saves! and Holy Spirit!