When Love and Joy Entered

A letter to my daughter, explaining  Joy entering my life!

My senior year of high school, Hardee’s opens and I’m hired. This is two years after my body cast comes off. I start to grow as a person.

One day a coworker asked me to tag along with her and her boyfriend. This introduces me to drinking.

That evening I meet a man who becomes my boyfriend.

Driving me home,

He asks, “Will you allow me to kiss you?”

Shocked I reply, “Yes.” Can I really trust him?

Hanging around with my new friends I start wanting to feel more apart of the crowd.

“God,Is it ok to use Your Name in vain so I can fit in with my new friends?”

God stays quiet.

In the fall, I move to the UND. My boyfriend gives me a stuffed dog.  This dog becomes my security blanket for the next 10 years. Driving home every weekend I carry my dog.

The Juxtaposition of my life shows up when I am able to try out for the women’s choir but cannot look to see if I succeed! Anxiety keeps me afraid of the music building my whole four years. Eventually I meet a women who hears my name every day because I had made it. This has been my greatest regret that I didn’t push past my fear and find out I was good enough.

Finishing my Freshman year I learn Dad finds a job in Oregon. Do I go or stay?

Seeking counseling, I decide it depends on my boyfriend quitting alcohol. He visits drunk, I have no ability to live on my own so I move West.

No one enjoys moving West. My summer sorting cherries is not fun. Instate tuition takes a year, so I move back to UND. My classes and finances are waiting for me but the one thing I canceled, my dorm room!

The one bright spot from my freshman year was the girl across the hall, we keep in contact. I remember she is in a singing group and I still want to sing.

I ask, “Can I join your singing group with you?”

She say, “Yes!”

We walk together and find about 6 other students wanting to sing. First we have Bible study then we break up into pairs to talk and pray. At the end we all circle, hold hands, and pray in a conversational prayer.

I realize they have something I don’t!

“God, I want what they have!”

God Answers without words, BUT


This from this point on everything in my life changes.

I make friends!

I learned how to have fun without drinking and hangovers!

I am accepted by people!

I meet my husband and hope for a daughter.

LOVE and JOY FILL ME with a byproduct of HOPE!

God will fill you if you ask just as he fills me daily!

God is Very Good!

Jesus Already Paid

Today, I achieved 100 days of 10,000 steps, a miracle!

It is amazing how God helps me accomplish this.

Today, during choir practice, just holding  sheet-music sends my upper back muscles into crippling pain!

Yesterday, I run 3 miles, do lunges, log lifts, plank, and push-ups with no problem.

Today I can’t hold sheet music!

But God Provides!

My life changing lesson: In the year 2000 a new pain in my tailbone develops just as we are about to move.

I tell God, “You need to heal this because we are moving to a home with 2 acres of land and I need to work it.”

God replies, “Go to the radio station and ask them to pray for you.”

I obey!

They pray.

I leave saying, “God, What’s up? I do what You say and nothing happens!”


As this fills my soul, I remember a lie!

Age 25 a thought, “I suffer pain to pay for not listening to God!”

God takes the tailbone pain away as I received His message,

“Jesus Already Paid!”


Lies of the Devil

Fear fills my soul.

“I did it again! I lost another friend! I call but no one picks up.”

I’m trying to believe it is a lie! The fight is difficult!

I tell myself, “She is busy or her phone is out of battery.”

All I did was leave her side to say hi to a new friend.

Dread is all consuming.

Breakthrough arrives:

Pastor Steven Furtick says, “There is NO CONDEMNATION!”


Finally it hit. I was feeling condemned. This is not a God thought. God did not plant the thought in my mind! LORD, Help me catch on more quickly.

The devil is real! He plants thoughts to shut me down.

Of course an unanswered phone call is a set up to make me suffer. Evil forces we cannot see enjoy messing with God’s people to derail God’s plans.

Isn’t it wonderful to have friends that don’t leave at a drop of a hat.


Running in the Cold

Many churches call a fast in January to start the year connecting with Holy Spirit.

I have fasted food 24 hours, but the thought of a whole week is beyond me at this time.

Would I have the strength to run without food for more than one day? Running two miles every day is priority.

Fasting usually deals with leaving something out so giving up my comfort works as I continue to run daily in negative temperatures.

It is amazing how creative a person can be to stay warm in these frigid temperatures.

The coldest night was -9 and a few days of running were with the windchill at -20,  too cold to run the dogs the whole two miles.

Sam ran one mile and said, “Home please!”

Charlie said, “One block please, only one block!”

I continued running with God discussing this craziness, but I finish!


New Year 2024

Making a New Year resolution has never worked for me.

But, Remembering God’s new grace each morning brings Hope.

Today, I am on day 67 of 10,000 steps. Running has been a hit or miss, but things changed December 21.

I now have 23 days of running consecutively.

How did it switch?

In December God reminded me:

  • When I run consecutive days in a row I stand taller, feeling strength in my core.
  • If I run weight comes off but, if I don’t run weight grows.
  • In 2012, God prompts me daily to run 2 miles for 30 days. Even if I walk some, run 2 miles.

Running two miles daily becomes my new goal.

A few days after starting, my body struggles. Exhaustion rules and my run consists of run 5-10 steps, walk 4-5 steps, repeat. Determination prevails and I make my two mile run.

Success comes with perseverance, at the end of a two mile walk I notice I am looking straight ahead!

Most of my life I have looked down.

It dawns on me that my back muscles have gained enough strength to hold my head up with ease.

The reason I need to run has to do with scoliosis and the foot long rod attached to my spine. My core muscles don’t gain strength in daily movement. I need to lift my legs higher than walking to engage the core muscles.

To keep this strength I know I need to run daily!


Hello Body

We would like to introduce ourselves;

Body, we are the nerves that have recently made contact with your spinal cord.

Being cut off from the spine in 1976, was cruel. Life has been boring just hanging around dormant for the last 40 years. We have been carried around not able to help out, wondering if we would ever be usefull again.

What a surprise to find ourselves awake in 2011. It was slow at first. The beginning was just a knowledge that we exist as body stood to her feet and walked. She felt us!

The feeling started to grow and the muscles became involved enough to alert the body’s doctor.

Doctor said, “I’m glad you started to exercise.”

Body said, “I didn’t do anything different.”

Alarm sounds, Doctor wants to know about the  muscle growth. She ponders this for a year and decides to do the intake, next year.

Doctor asked, “What makes the difference in your muscles if your exercise is the same?”

Body says, “Jesus answered the request for nerves to be connected.”

We nerves have been working and growing and sometimes breeding complaint.

A funny period we nerves all itch.


Today growth seems to cause pain.

Body we want to know, “Are we nerves worth the constant pain?”

Nerves provide the ability to run, lift arms, sit up, type, and lift head?

“Does the ability to move make pain acceptable?”

Body says, “Yes! Body is Thankful for pain.”

God is Good!

Listening to God

Learning how to respond to thoughts and act on them.

Today, I have the thought of going for a two mile walk after waking, before eating. Bart is pleased to join me in the daylight.

It becomes the most pleasant walk in a long time. We have no need to change directions to bypass dogs or people. An unusual December day blesses us with a warm 40 degrees and sunshine!

Later in the evening Bart suggests, “We should walk to get our 10,000 steps before we relax for the evening.”

As we walk Bart says, “Don’t worry, that’s just my watch saying 10,000 steps!”

I laugh, “My Fitbit is also alerting me to my 10,000 steps this exact moment!”

Five minutes later we both happen to look the same direction as a meteor flashes through the sky.

So tell me, is this how God sets things up?

Things fall into place and Peace fills the space?

Feeling Blessed on December 14, 2023.

The Joy of Christmas

Fear thoughts shut down my day!

Headache grows.

Hiding on the couch with my eyes shut, I hold my head!

All of a sudden, POUNDING fills the house.

Bart rises to see about the noise.

“Justine, come and see!”

“What reason could possibly be good enough to move?”

Standing back, Bart gives me a full view.

thirty children overfill my doorway!

Dressed in flashing Christmas lights they

Proudly Sing,

“Jingle Bells” and “Merry Christmas!”


Bonus the headache fades away!

THANK YOU JESUS for returning  JOY to my day!



Tonight 11/10/23:

Dinner with a group of friends!

After dinner we talk with no agenda for hours.

Sitting at the table with the conversation including me feels strange but good! LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE replace judgement.

Today, I speak many God stories. They question and receive my stories.

I have been included into their lives.

Forty years ago in College, I found  Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and acceptance. Before that I was eight years old at my gramma’s house on the farm, watching aunts and uncles discussing life with grandparents.

What differs between these examples and the rest of my life?

The yearly visit with parents includes the relaxing family time playing cards. But the words coming at me are not peaceful.

Changing the subject I say, “Do you know what God did today?”

I hear, “Don’t talk politics!”

On 5/16/10, God directs us to a beautiful church where I find acceptance and safety.

Life collects battle wounds until God brings people who know LOVE! In this safe place,  open wounds become healed scars.

God is using this church to transform me:

PEACE and JOY replace anxiety.

God Is Good! He will heal anyone who asks and follows His directions! So Ask for Healing It is Good! Amen!