Praise Changes Lives

Rejoice in the LORD always, again I say rejoice!

The things you have learned….Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you! Philippians 4:4,9

Do you believe you have to feel however you happen to feel? Have you ever noticed your feelings are fickle, changing with every thought?

When you get up on the wrong side of the bed, what do you do? Are you ever depressed because the weekend is over? If you notice someone looking at you strangely, do bad thoughts invade your mind?

Have you noticed thoughts are connected with emotions? Do you know you have a CHOICE in how to spend your days?

God says to take every thought captive, think the best, get rid of the bad thoughts, cover other’s mistakes, and walk in LOVE. These are choices!

I saw this played out last June. Bart and I were walking in the beautiful sunshine, but depression was taking control. God spoke through my mouth, “Choose to think of 10 things you are Thankful for every morning?”

Bart made the choice to act. He started being Thankful for 10 things, the next morning.

I saw the difference immediately! First he was filled with Joy! Changes showed in little things like Bart asking me to dance with him. It was the first time in our 35 years of marriage. Then out of the blue, Bart announced he is no longer afraid of heights! He offered to help me put up the Christmas lights! This fills my heart with REJOICING!

God knows what He is doing! Joy has invaded our home and is transforming it!

Being a Living Holy Sacrifice

In Romans 12, Paul talks about presenting our bodies as a living holy sacrifice, acceptable to God.

It is a human fight with self, to be a living holy sacrifice for God. I see this battle of the mind, in our two dogs. The best place to watch it, is playing Frisbee and ball in the back yard with Sam and Charlie.

Sam is excited to run. He brings the Frisbee to us, dropping it so we can throw it, and barking if we are not fast enough. When Sam gets tired, he will try to play Charlie’s game, but quickly gives up to run.

Charlie wants to run and chase his ball but something inside him says, “Hold on, and don’t let go!”

I bend down to get on his level with a light hold of the ball, ready to release it if he pulls too hard. I say, “Charlie run! Let go and run!”

Charlie whines and complains thinking about letting go of the ball. He can spend 5 -10 minutes deciding to let go! I see his mind thinking, he gets close to letting go and then chomps down even harder. Finally, he lets go and runs. He is excited because he succeeded in letting go, to do what I asked!

There are days I am like Sam and I follow God through the day smiling, filled with Joy and Praise. When God prompts me to go talk to a person in the store or give a dollar to the homeless person I do it freely and easily. I walk in LOVE and take no offense at anything heard or seen, forgiving everyone freely.

Then there are days when I am more like Charlie. I want to have a pity party because I took offense and it feels good to wallow in the flesh for a while; I know I need to forgive and be free, help me Jesus!

Sometimes God urges me to talk to a person but I debate too long, “Is that you God? I don’t really want to. Do you really need me?”

When I realize I missed God, I condemn myself and berate myself until God reminds me, Jesus died to forgive ALL my mistakes! The faster I accept Jesus’ gift the faster I get on to enjoying my life which is what He died for!

How enjoyable life will be when we all walk in communion with God continuously and let go of self.


Residue of Forgiveness

How do I get rid of the thing in my soul that is still living even after I have forgiven, prayed for, and walked in love with?

God has impressed upon me I need to forgive and LOVE the person who controlled me for 45 years. There is still a rage that can surface when I remember the words I heard, “HOW DARE YOU!” and “YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO RESPECT ME!”

Is it a process? Looking in a journal from 2008 I found the question, “Who yelled at me?”

I asked God that question for 10 years. The answer was not in my daily life, but regular visits conditioned me to accept put down’s and yelling as normal! The only reason I knew a problem existed is my home is Filled with PEACE and JOY!

Spending 6 weeks this winter, being caregiver and helping him move, God helped me be Jesus to this broken person. Holy Spirit  worked in me and made me who I needed me to be. The only way I could do this was to spend an hour both in the morning and evening Praising God and praying to WALK IN LOVE, and BE AN EXAMPLE OF GOD’S GRACE! He gave me the ability to walk in Love and hold nothing against him, asking for his salvation.

RETURNING HOME, I found the need to continue spending an hour in Praise and Worship to keep my mind in Love and Grace; not letting it shift to bad thoughts.

So is that the answer?

Let The Word of God wash my soul and get back to Praise and Worship and The Word of God?

LORD HELP ME not short my time with Jesus?

Perfect LOVE Casts out Fear

When we accept Jesus as our savior, we become new creations (Gal 6:15; 2Cor 5:17); God makes our spirit alive and Holy Spirit lives in us to be our guide and much more. (2Cor 3:17).

This exchange of Jesus taking our sin nature (Col 2:14) and giving us His Righteous nature (Gal 3:11,14; 2 Cor 5:17), moves us from living by our senses to living and walking by Faith (2 Cor 5:7).

With our spirit made new, God living inside each of us, our job is to laying aside the old self, and put on the new self (Col 3:9-10; Eph 4:22,24) by renewing the spirit of our minds (Eph 4:23; 2 Cor 3:18)!

One way we are renewing our mind is by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2Cor 10:3-5), our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day as we change our sight to the unseen (2Cor 4:16-18), not rejoicing in unrighteousness, but rejoicing with the truth (1 Cor 13:6).

God is LOVE; we who abide in LOVE abide in God, and God abides in us, and in this LOVE is perfected, as He is so are we in this world            (1John 4:16,17).

So do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that we may prove what is the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12:2).

There is no fear in LOVE; but perfect LOVE casts out fear, because fear involves punishment (Jesus took our punishment), and the one who fears is not perfected in LOVE (1John 4:18)!




After returning home from being caretaker, selling your home of 38 years, packing, and moving you to your new home; God dropped a Word into my heart.

He Said, “Your dad could not have treated you the way he did, without allowing Jesus into his heart.”

Romans 10:9-10 says if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness , and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

I believe as you watched me walk in Love; Pray and Worship God daily: you Received Jesus as your savior and LORD!

Galatians 5:20 says the deeds of the flesh include outbursts of anger. This is the issue that God is working to discontinue in both of us.

God tamped down my outbursts of anger; making way for me to walk by the Spirit, producing the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

You saw much of the fruit in action with little flesh.

God helped you walked in love with me most of the 6 weeks we were there and even prompting you to apologized for raising your voice, this is evidence of the Spirit working in you.

I want you to know that when you die you will go to be with Mom in heaven because you accepted Jesus as your savior. You will join Mom in the cloud of witnesses, as Hebrews 12:1 talks about.

After Mom died I felt closer to her; we were more connected because she is in the cloud of witnesses surrounding us.

God Bless you with the Joy of the Spirit in your every day life. Amen.

What God says about Words

God says This book of the law (Jesus) shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it: for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success

He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses we are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

The one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all unto Him, who is the head, Christ.

Finally, brethren whatever is true whatever is honorable, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things… Practice these things, and the God of peace shall  be with you.

GOD HAS SET ME FREE from anxiety and fear; as I follow Him, HE Fills me with His LOVE: He will do the same thing in you!

Joshua 1:8; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Corinthians 10:3,4; Isaiah 55:8; 1 Corinthians 6:17; Romans 12:2;

Ephesians 4:29,15; Philippians 4:8


What Do Words Matter?

Over 15 years ago I had my first revelation on words.

When my daughter was 6 years old I decided it was time to teach her how words can hurt. Sitting down on her bed I told her a painful lie, “you are mean, ugly, and worthless.”

As tears formed in her eyes, and my insides cringed, I quickly I told her the Beautiful Truth: “You Are Beautiful, Kind, Giving, Loving, and Smart!”

Can you feel the difference on your inside? How did it feel when I said bad things? How did it feel when I said good things? Remember this and never use the bad words but use the Good Words and Build People Up!

Today, I have a greater Revelation on the POWER OF WORDS!

God says in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 God says, I set before you life and death, I will even give you the answer: CHOOSE LIFE.

God says in Proverbs 4:20-27 Pay attention to His Words because it brings life to those who find it, healing and health to your flesh, and put away all dishonest, contrary and willful speech.

The Truth of God has impacted my life as Paul says in Romans and Ephesians: I have spent the last 20 years transforming my mind from the garbage that filled it and kept me depressed and filled with anxiety, into one FILLED WITH JOY AND BLESSINGS AND LOVE!

I am finding this year that people are not running from me but are believing what I say and hanging around to hear more.




I Corinthians 13:5  LOVE does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong!

Walking in LOVE transforms fear and bravado into kindness.

Tonight, I offered to play cards with, “the man who yelled at me.” I injected Blessings with every word I spoke, suggesting the game was for friendship and enjoyment of companionship. Who cares who wins? or being skunked? We are spending time together getting to know one another.

He struggled a bit with the concept: beating the other person has been inbred into his soul; but he didn’t reject it, he actually smiled and laughed a bit.

I imparted God’s Word: God set before us Life and Death: He gives us the answer: CHOOSE LIFE and EVERY WORD THAT WE SPEAK BRINGS WITH IT LIFE OR DEATH.

He said, “card games don’t count! They are separate.”

I responded, “Every word spoken leads to Life or Death! You can lift people up and Bless them even in a card game! Isn’t Joy and Laughter better than a curse?”

Live Life! Live Love! Speak Life! Speak Love! See How it transforms your life!

God is Good!

God is Very Good!

Changing Times

Traveling West 5000 miles round trip for the 6th time in 2 years, one the year before: we know the rest stops by heart, and the dogs have learned it is a LONG WAY so sleep!

In the middle of the trip is my favorite rest stop; a place to relax and walk up a big hill and take in the Beautiful sights!

Depending on which direction we are heading, into or out of Wyoming we are either preparing for Wind or taking a break from the wind and in January the blowing snow!

God is Good and has Kept us Safe each time through! One step at a time!

God Bless each of you this day! Amen!

My First Page redo for Jerry’s Guild

It is January, I need to drive West to spend the last days with my mom. We need food and prescriptions for the 2500 mile trip. As I wait for my prescription, Mom appears in my mind. No time for shopping, I need to get home. Paying for the prescription, I leave.

I walk in the door and Bart is leaving, “I have some errands to run, be back later!”

“A text arrived from my sister, it is a picture of my mom, she looks dead already!”

“Sorry, I will be back soon!”

Believing my mom can hang on, I hope! Twenty minutes later another text comes. She is gone.

WHAT DO I DO?  I am alone 2500 miles from family. WHAT DO I DO? My sister calls, “The pastor is here and he wants to know, what is the most important thing about Mom?”



Forty-seven years earlier, my friend says, “It looks like you are moving.”

“NO, WE AREN’T!” I turn and see a U-Haul behind a station wagon and my dad is packing. Very soon I am in the third seat, leaning out the window saying goodbye, “I will write to you!”

Dad says, “NO, YOU WON’T!”

Everyone is in the car except…  “Where’s Mom?”