Pauline Prayer 2

The prayer of our love abounding in real knowledge and discernment.

Philippians 1:9-10, 11

And this I pray, that our love will abound in real knowledge and all discernment,

How many people think of abounding in LOVE? And what do knowledge and discernment have to do with LOVE? Things to ponder.

Would having real knowledge and discernment expose the lie of twisted truth that pops into my mind?

so that each of us may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ;

Is God telling us that we cannot approve excellence without LOVE? Is the reason we are suppose to walk in LOVE to be sincere and blameless? Does that mean no shame or guilt?

having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

I know walking in The Righteousness of God in Jesus has transformed my life completely.

How will LOVE that leads us to BE SINCERE AND BLAMELESS change my life?

Pauline Prayer 1

Philippians 1:9-10, 11

And this I pray, that our love will abound in real knowledge and discernment, so that each of us may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ;

having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

I notice, the fruit of righteousness is all through the New Testament. The only way to KNOW it is to receive the gift through through Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with us except to receive the gift and believe it.

It took 15 years to really make His righteousness mine. I had such a shame countenance it took a lot of Word (reading my Bible) to wash my thoughts and transform me in my inmost being.

I knew it was mine when I stopped confessing that I am a sinner in church. My words changed in many places.

I know I am born again in the righteousness of God.

I watched my response to put down’s and rejections change. Self condemnation disappeared.

A New Found Confidence to speak up and be heard appeared and took me by surprise. Now  I am learning when to speak up and when to keep my mouth shut for Wisdom sake.

God Is Good!


Romans 14:17 The kingdom of God is not eating or drinking but Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

For most of my life I went to church but didn’t understand anything about walking in the Power of God and His Righteousness.

In my 20’s God was asking me to spend more time with Him, but I talked with a friend for  hours every day I couldn’t give it up.

The next thing I knew we were moving 3000 miles away. God made a way for me to spend more time with Him. Living in Florida I found Joyce Meyer on TBN an she helped me grow in my faith.

The first thing she taught me was the power of forgiveness and I caught that quickly but righteousness of God took 20 years for me to make it mine.

Walking in the righteousness of God is the single most important thing that changed my life.

This is what I used to fight the self defeating thoughts that plagued my mind daily.

Who knows if I was able to give up talking for a few hours a day maybe God could have set me free from the self torture 20 years earlier. How would that have changed my life for the better.

I am thankful that God kept pursuing me.

Hosea 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

Proverbs 4:5-8  acquire  Wisdom and get Understanding and prize them

God Is So Very Good!

Rich Mullins

Rich was someone I had not heard about until after he died. We saw the Ragamuffin band in concert and I bought all the CD’s we could find.

As technology keeps changing and music is downloaded instead of listening to CD’s his music is lost in piles.

The Good thing about YouTube is they send random things and this last week they sent clips of Rich Mullins reminding us of how we love his music. We have been bingeing his life and music.

Both, my husband and I have seen similarities in my personality and his. I am the same person everywhere I go. There is no fake, all the good and bad are spoken of equally.

In the past, I have spoken of faults and brokenness quite regularly upon first meeting someone. Something inside had me believing people cannot be friends if they can’t handle my past.

These last few years I have been growing and learning to listen instead of talking to fill the void. Hopefully I have been growing in Jesus producing good fruit!

I wonder how Rich would have changed if he had kept living, something we cannot know but I will find his music and put it on my phone.

God Is Very Good.

The God Set Up

2013 Facebook memory

My whole life I have fallen asleep at 10 P.M., (even at sleepovers), and wake at 6 with the sun.

Turning 50 my body started to wake after midnight and stay awake for hours.

Falling asleep became a goal but often I am still awake in bed until 5 A.M., one day I try my mom’s suggestion, drinking Hot Chocolate. It worked once.

Eventually I decided to follow wisdom and work with my body instead of fight it.

Wisdom said, “Do not go to bed before midnight, no matter how tired.” If I need to lay down and take a short nap, I do. Then I wake up and accomplish something.

I believe it is a God setup, making me comfortable typing in the dark to write the book!

It has been years in the making. But God Knows how to time things so it is an easy transition.

First I become comfortable with being awake and trusting God to give me the energy for the day no matter what time I fall asleep.

Choosing Peace, I take the time to listen to podcast teachings and praying for people.

When this becomes a nightly occurrence, I decide to do clean house instead of lay in bed.

About 18 months ago I started typing on my computer daily, learning my scrivener program, getting better at typing, and strengthening the muscles that help me sit at the computer.

Today, I have put a blog post out every day for 21 days. This process has turned my writing a story from day or weeks into one day. Sitting and typing for hours using those muscles even more.

This is the last step before writing that book making me strong enough to type all the hours it will take. This has been a 10 year process.

I believe God is setting up a purpose for everyone. He has prepared a purpose before the foundation of the world.

God Is Good!

Going Against the Odds

Facebook post 2018

My trusted doctor left, I started with a new doctor.

She said, “You need to realize your limitations, you have scoliosis and should not help your daughter move or work in your garden!”

I said, “You want me to lay on the couch and watch TV?”


I am so very glad no one ever told me I couldn’t! 

I might have believed them!

I have Reached for the IMPOSSIBLE and Fought to have My best Life!

In 2015 my mom said,  “You are no longer handicapped.” So Thankful Mom never spoke handicapped out loud in my presence.

Being handicapped never crossed my mind. I just kept fighting my whole life to be strong and keep going no matter what!

We had ice skating lessons the whole time I wore a brace, continuing after surgery with a body cast. Mom said, “I cannot watch, afraid of a fall.”

Taking swimming lessons after surgery was easy.  I could do every stroke, even the butterfly, but flipping at the end of the lane was the one thing I didn’t try. There are some limits I recognize.

The only thing my parents said NO to was going to Mexico with the Spanish club. “You can’t even find your way home from a game in town, how will you find your way in Mexico?” This had more to do with dyslexic issues that where not yet diagnosed.

I wonder what my new doctor would think if she knew the year after I had the spinal fusion inserting the Harrington rod, I chose gymnastic for my gym class! The amazing trick to pass the class was using my elbows to be the round for my back so I could do a forward roll. The rest was easy.

My surgeon did say no horseback riding, motorcycle riding, or sky diving.

The horseback riding bothered me. I love horses. Sky diving was on my mind for some reason, but motorcycle riding was lost. I never had any desire -until boys entered the picture. They came with bikes and this is where my life became a bit more interesting.

I am Thankful for miracles and fight. Everything was needed to help me survive the accident. That is another story!

Herm and Jean

Hermanjean, this word I heard often confused me.

I finally understand that it is two names combined. Herm and Jean, wonderful God filled couple together so long their names melded into one.

They impacted my life greatly, how much I didn’t understand until they each died. Jean was ailing in health before COVID and died after the lock-down.

Today is Herm’s funeral. The last time we talked, I knelt by his chair and God’s Love welcome me in. The Love and acceptance radiated off him so thick, I can still feel it today.

Feeling the need to tell Herm about his wife, I told him the impacted she had on my life. Jean was the one who included me into the group. She notice I wasn’t joining in the crowd for lunch. Giving me an invitation and directions Jean picked up how overwhelmed I was and offered to take me.

I continued joining this group for years. Through these 10-20 women that attended the Bible Study and lunch, I learned how to be in a group. These older women brought me into the fold and became friends.

This was the door that opened, leading me to good changes in the future. Being part of a group is good, we are created to be in community.

God Is So Very Good!

Praise and Worship to the Rescue

The Peace stealer, life is attacking:

I turn to my dear old friend, Praise and Worship!  Peace returns.

Today has been a good day, but my husband found out he needs more testing. The Blood test gave a reason but why is the other question.

My mind goes to the worst case possible. Then I choose to fight and turn on Michael W Smith’s Worship album, “Surrounded!” My soul is comforted and I am able to tackle my chores.

Depending on how needy I am, Worship is Filled with Passion! Worship is better when I need it! Life has been pretty calm lately and I haven’t needed it as deeply. I kinda missed needing to PRAISE with ALL MY MIGHT!

Of Course at the end of the day I find an email telling me I still owe a bill. I know it is taken care of, but the fear of a problem tries to steal my Peace!


Thank You Holy Spirit for the tools to fight the good fight and keep my Peace.

Thank You Jesus! God Is Very Good!

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

This was my Facebook post in 2020 saying:


Today, my abdominal muscles were screaming, so I curled up until the pain lessened.

Finally about 8:00 P.M., I was able to sit up. Putting on shoes with hope, I prepared to walk.

When my back muscles are tired, my walking compares to a sloth. Many days I get ready to walk and only go around the block, but some days I won’t even make the corner.

The craziness of my body is later in the evening my body will have recovered giving me the ability to walk or run miles.

Yesterday, when I felt able to sit up, I started to dress for walking.  But God suggest running. I ran 3 miles. Tonight I had no thought of running.

God’s Wisdom in giving me the back muscles first came with benefits, such as running and standing up straight.

Knowing this gives me patience with the pain. I know some great gain will be achieved with muscles in my abdomen.

I am so Blessed! God Is So Very Good!





When God Seems Silent

I have been hearing from God and getting guidance on how to clean my house to running daily 2 miles.

What do I do when He isn’t doing what He used to do?

There have been He has been trying to Grow me and help me to push to do what I couldn’t do before.

Could there be something that He suggested and I didn’t actually do it?

Is He waiting for me?

Help Me Jesus!

Love You!