Listening to God

Learning how to respond to thoughts and act on them.

Today, I have the thought of going for a two mile walk after waking, before eating. Bart is pleased to join me in the daylight.

It becomes the most pleasant walk in a long time. We have no need to change directions to bypass dogs or people. An unusual December day blesses us with a warm 40 degrees and sunshine!

Later in the evening Bart suggests, “We should walk to get our 10,000 steps before we relax for the evening.”

As we walk Bart says, “Don’t worry, that’s just my watch saying 10,000 steps!”

I laugh, “My Fitbit is also alerting me to my 10,000 steps this exact moment!”

Five minutes later we both happen to look the same direction as a meteor flashes through the sky.

So tell me, is this how God sets things up?

Things fall into place and Peace fills the space?

Feeling Blessed on December 14, 2023.

Walking by Faith

This week,my husband took a job he is unsure about.

Bart, “I’ve been hired to work in a warehouse! Not sure I’m physically able. HR called to calm my fears. Orientation starts Tuesday.”

Justine, “Trust God! He will give you strength and ability beyond what you are able. Watch and be amazed!”

Bart, “Do you know where my social security card is? I have searched in wallets, drawers, pockets, and the safe with no success.  We will see if they take what I have.”

After Orientation

Bart announces, “God must want me to work there! When I opened up my birth certificate the Social Security card popped out! I looked there more than once! But God put it there when I needed it!”

Justine, “BUT GOD! My favorite words!”



I go for a run just after 8:00 P.M.. It is dark but not late.

First I run to the cemetery and have a thought, “Stay away from the back.”

I tell myself, “Don’t let fear rule.”

Sam stops short and will not move.

Maybe I should listen to the thought and take the short rout.

Sam agrees and runs with me.

Approaching the park from the North, I notice a vehicle driving very slowly towards the park from the East. Slowing down, I watch and check if it is a police vehicle. It is white.

IT is  NOT police.

Running past the vehicle, I stop for Sam and clean up.

I loose track of the white vehicle and take off running my normal route to the gas station.

Approaching the turn in the road, I realize that I have heard a vehicle coming up behind for a while.

I pull Sam to the sidewalk and watch a white vehicle drive past me very slowly. They drive toward the gas station.

Foolishly, I start to run behind them until. . . .

Wisdom speaks up and says, “Turn around and go home.”

Running towards home I think, “Maybe I should call my husband.”

Instead I ask, “God, Send Your Angels to keep me safe and anyone out tonight!”

Later at home I hear,



Wisdom suggests I run earlier.


A Chance Meeting

Life is so exciting when I follow the urges of Holy Spirit!

There  was no thought of running today because of the pain keeping me on the couch, but after a walk with Bart and a little rest something in me thought try running one mile. As I changed into running clothes Bart said, “Now is the time to go because the sun is setting.”

As I step out the door, all I saw was dark clouds. Oh well, running isn’t all about a sunset.

Turning down the street I see a glimpse of color in between the houses, so my speed picks up to catch whatever color will show up! I am pleasantly surprised. After taking pictures of the sunset I see a friend. I found here in the cemetery remembering her husband about a year ago. Sam and I go to talk with her and ask, “How  are things going, I haven’t seen you since the fall?”

Talking today I find out she has a rod in her spine as long as my rod. I am betting it is a Harrington rod. I know she is in great pain so I pray for her and encourage her to move as much as she is able!

As we are talking the sky turns pink and purple! I am feeling so very Blessed!

Sam was also being a wonderful dog allowing her to pet him with no barks or growls.

It fills me with Joy when I have the ability to stop and talk with someone who needs a smile!

God Bless You with a Day Filled with Joy. Amen!

Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and LOVE

Does forgiving someone mean you have to reconcile?

Forgiveness has much to do with taking no offense, not making a person pay you back but letting God deal with them. Letting go of making them pay you back, because they probably cannot pay you back what was taken. It is also cutting the ties that bind you to them, if you are not thinking of how to get back what was stolen you are free to live your life.

Reconciliation is restoring a damaged relationship. If a relationship has no hope to be building you up, or treating you as one loved; it is probably best to not keep it, or at least keep it at a distance and protect your heart.

Love is Patient, kind, and does not take into account a wrong suffered. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things! 1 Corinthians 13.

Years ago our pastor suggested the congregation sit in the quiet and ask God, “Who do I need to forgive?”

I was proud and thought, “I don’t need to forgive anyone!” I was wrong!

God surprised me by dropping my step-dad into my heart. I didn’t understand what I needed to forgive. Over time God revealed the pain, but that is a story for a different time.

After Mom died, Dad needed a caregiver and help deciding to sell the house. God set me up to have the time and energy to be there. Fear filled me as we drove West to help because I could not live in the angry and loud atmosphere, BUT GOD!

Holy Spirit showed me how to walk in LOVE with this man.

This resulted in changing Dad.

He apologized for the very first time and changed enough for me to enjoy being around him. Weeks later, God told me Dad couldn’t have changed without receiving Jesus as his savior.

Years earlier while I was in college, I had the desire to connect with my biological father. I had a plan to meet him over Christmas break. God had other plans. He brought me home to meet Bart, who became my husband.

Bart took me to see my dad before we were married.  I learned my memories of life with him were true and I did not feel safe.  Thirty years later, I have forgiven and prayed for him until I could be nice over e-mail and not have bad thoughts or feelings. The desire to see him is natural and I have tried, but God has blocked it.

This has brought much contemplation and prayer.  I decided my dad has never apologized or admitted any wrong doing. How can I have a true relationship with him when he does not admit causing any pain?

What I know, if God wanted me to meet him again He would have opened the door: instead God closed the door.

Jesus said, if someone hits you across your cheek to give them the other cheek. He says to show Love not anger, but He may not want you to be in a close relationship for your safety.

Walking in Love is being humble, strength under control. Jesus had his life threatened many times but God kept Him safe until it was time for Him to lay down his life.


Dysfunction And Grace

My pastor’s sermon last Sunday mentioned that troubled families have an atmosphere of, “don’t feel,” and “don’t talk,” and especially “don’t trust.”

I lived this but didn’t know  we were different. From the outside we look like the perfect family.

In 2013, I flew to Oregon to help my mom after surgery. My sister drove me to Portland to pick up a rental car and we met our brother for lunch. I was 50 years old and it was the first time the three of us sat together alone, without spouses, parents, or children taking our attention.

We talked for the first time about the things that happened back in 1969-1973. The conversation  centered around what happened. We never gotten around to how we feel about what happened. The waitress heard enough to think  we could be talking about a movie.

God started to open my eyes in 2017 to our family dynamics!  I tried to communicate what I was understanding, but my parents couldn’t deal with the emotions and changed the topic saying, “Shall we play cards?”

This is the point texted a friend realizing, “My family is nuts!”

May of 2010, God brought us to Westwood during one of the lowest points in our lives.  We have been accepted and thank you.

It took me a year or more to gain enough boldness to go to the Tuesday morning Bible study.  After a few weeks, a woman invited me to join everyone for lunch after each meeting. This offer set me up to learn how to “BE” in a group.

Shortly afterwards I joined the book club the church offered. They accepted me! These women taught me how to be in a group of women my age. The books they choose also tapped into emotions that had been buried for over 40 year,  God Bless each of them for staying.

I believe Westwood is a place God wants to use to help the broken people. I do thank each and everyone of you who has gone on this journey with me. God Bless you all with His Mercy and Grace, Amen.

Being a Living Holy Sacrifice

In Romans 12, Paul talks about presenting our bodies as a living holy sacrifice, acceptable to God.

It is a human fight with self, to be a living holy sacrifice for God. I see this battle of the mind, in our two dogs. The best place to watch it, is playing Frisbee and ball in the back yard with Sam and Charlie.

Sam is excited to run. He brings the Frisbee to us, dropping it so we can throw it, and barking if we are not fast enough. When Sam gets tired, he will try to play Charlie’s game, but quickly gives up to run.

Charlie wants to run and chase his ball but something inside him says, “Hold on, and don’t let go!”

I bend down to get on his level with a light hold of the ball, ready to release it if he pulls too hard. I say, “Charlie run! Let go and run!”

Charlie whines and complains thinking about letting go of the ball. He can spend 5 -10 minutes deciding to let go! I see his mind thinking, he gets close to letting go and then chomps down even harder. Finally, he lets go and runs. He is excited because he succeeded in letting go, to do what I asked!

There are days I am like Sam and I follow God through the day smiling, filled with Joy and Praise. When God prompts me to go talk to a person in the store or give a dollar to the homeless person I do it freely and easily. I walk in LOVE and take no offense at anything heard or seen, forgiving everyone freely.

Then there are days when I am more like Charlie. I want to have a pity party because I took offense and it feels good to wallow in the flesh for a while; I know I need to forgive and be free, help me Jesus!

Sometimes God urges me to talk to a person but I debate too long, “Is that you God? I don’t really want to. Do you really need me?”

When I realize I missed God, I condemn myself and berate myself until God reminds me, Jesus died to forgive ALL my mistakes! The faster I accept Jesus’ gift the faster I get on to enjoying my life which is what He died for!

How enjoyable life will be when we all walk in communion with God continuously and let go of self.


Perfect Love

“Perfect Love casts out fear,” rises in my spirit as I follow my phone to the hotel.

Volunteering at the Joyce Meyer Women’s Conference downtown St. Louis, I eat lunch and walk to my room for a nap.

People ahead of me cross the road to stay away from 15-20 men standing on a street corner. Believing God doesn’t want me to fear, I walk up to them and ask, “Can I pray for you?”

I am not sure how to do this, but God does. Half of the men circle and join hands with me and the man opposite me in a wheelchair. I pray what I know to pray and say, “Thank you!”

Continuing on, JOY FILLS MY HEART: fear is defeated!

In the next block, I see a crazy person in a park; I try to ignore her, but God keeps nudging me. PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR, I walk to this person with q-tips sticking out of both ears and mumbling, “Do you want me to pray for you?” I don’t understand the response, so standing next to her I pray without touching her and go on my way.

Filled with Joy, I ask many in passing if they will allow me to pray for them, for the day, about 17/20 say, yes!

The last person God led me to is sitting on the sidewalk outside Busch Stadium, watching a play off game. A TV set up for the homeless, or overflow?

He gives me his name and allows me to take his picture! During the prayer he added, “Give me a sound mind!” I Believe God gave him his sound mind!

He shows me to pray, God to Bless People with a Sound Mind and a Sound Body.

1 John 4:18-19 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us.




Pride and Humility


Do you hear yourself? “I am older, you should listen to me, I know more!”

Can not an older person learn something from a younger person: see life in a new way? I have lived a different life and learned different things that are TRUTH! They don’t all pertain to you but some of them do: are you TOO PROUD to listen?

In my latest case of dealing with a Proud person, I got shut down: BOOM!!! You are not aloud to talk! I tried again and: BOOM!!! They stopped me again, my knowledge has no merit, according to them.

Matthew 23:6-12 They Love their Place of Honor at banquets, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and respectful greetings in the marketplaces, add being called by men, Rabbi. But do not be called Rabbi; for One is you Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is you Father, He who is n heaven. And do not be called leaders; for One is you Leader, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.


I Corinthians 13:4-5 LOVE is patient, love is kind, is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong.

This is for those who don’t believe Jesus talks to people:

John 14: 16-17 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, you know Him because He abides wiIMG_0501th you, and will be in you.

John 10:16b I must bring them also, and they shall hear My voice; and they shall become one flock with one shepherd.

John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

I have the Spirit! I hear His voice!

Romans 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Galatians 516 I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh(senses)

Galatians5:18 If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

Galatians 5:22  The fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law.

II Corinthians 5:7 Walk by Faith, not by sight!

Galatians 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

I will be writing  how I started to Understand it was God talking to me; I had no concept it was God the first time I heard HIS VOICE, I thought I was arguing with myself, I didn’t listen or obey: I got into big trouble!


My desire is to Walk by the Spirit every day all day long, it is not always easy; my flesh, my desire wins out sometimes even though my greatest desire is to follow God and His Spirit!

Paul says in Romans 7:19 The good that I wish, I do not do but I practice the very evil that I do not wish.

The answer

Romans 8:1-2  There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.