Changing Times

Change starts with a class teaching me how to use AI to improve my writing.

When I put down my fear and step out and try a new thing, it will open me to expanding my imagination and vocabulary.

After spending so many years closing myself down in self-protection, it takes work and determination to open up to new possibilities.

The second change becomes final when our neighbor finishes moving out this morning, and the new owners start moving in this afternoon.

When I first see the for sale sign it feels like I am punched in the gut! My first thought is to fall apart and mourn my loss, but then I have a wonderful idea and change it into a But God moment.

I decide to ask God to Bring us a Better Blessing! We need good friends for both of us so Double our Blessing for our former shame as it says in Isaiah 61:7a!

When everything looks like it is falling apart, it is the perfect time for God to step in and Bless us as we seek His Face.


Have you ever had a But God, moment?

Tell me about it.

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