I don’t know what you think: I actually Believing God when He said, ” Have Faith and Don’t Doubt … Speak to the mountain … it Shall Happen”. Matt 21:21b
I started To Practice, “Speaking to the Mountain”, by telling mosquitoes they are not allowed to bite me or my family!
A few years ago, I started talking to the mosquitoes; telling them they were not allowed to bite me while weeding my garden. They ARE Listening!
Bart is frustrated; he is spraying on Deep Woods Off and still getting bit by mosquitoes; I am NOT getting bit by mosquitoes!
I TALK TO the mosquitoes saying, “I am in Covenant with The LORD, ‘yad hay vav hay’ (the Name Of God in Hebrew) both under the tithe and Jesus Paid the price for me to walk in the Blessing not the Curse!” I tell Satan, “Satan, take your nasty bugs and flee from me, I am a Child of God and Protected in the Blood of Jesus!”
This is one way I PRACTICE the Walk of Faith in Jesus and His Word; Listening to Holy Spirit, and Father God to guide my every step: Most days.
This summer, we have an over abundance of dragonflies in our yard; Bart looked up dragonflies on the internet, he found they eat mosquitoes!
My thought: God sent Dragonflies to aid us in getting rid of our mosquitoes!
The mosquitoes found their way to my skin today; while I was running, I stopped to talk to neighbors and found it is difficult To Talk To the mosquitoes, in the middle of a conversation with a neighbor.
Love your blog!!!