We owned an RV for five years and used it for three.
We took over seven trips West driving the 5,000 mile to visit family. Every trip an alarm went off about Idaho warning us the battery for the cabin losing power. All we knew was to get a new battery.
When we found a truck stop for help, the mechanic would suggest we run the generator while we were driving. We tried this but it didn’t do anything except burn gas.
We did not know plugging the camper into the generator was a thing. We found this out selling it.
Most of my life I thought my physical problems stemmed from my accident and I didn’t understand why other people with bad accidents were able to do things like climb mountains.
In my 40’s I visited a new spine doctor and found out that the scoliosis might have much more to do with my limitations then the accident. I also didn’t know my numbness meant lack of muscle and weakness.
When God started to give me miracles I found strength.
God used technology to make me stronger with Fitbit. My husband and I started to compete over consecutive of days with 10,000 steps. I reached 103 days in a row. Then I added running daily after 30 days and the next 30 days I started typing daily on my computer.
Writing daily on my computer for over a year has set me up to be able to type this blog daily.
Writing a blog when I had never seen a blog means I knew nothing. The only reason I ever used a computer was to write letters to family.
I paid for help to set this up and I haven’t changed it much. At one point I was forced to change because my site was shut down for maintenance.
Hearing most people write daily felt like God saying, “It is time to start writing stories daily!” I am doing my best to do it.
I don’t know what I don’t know, but God does! He will help me to accomplish what He needs me to do.
God Is Very Good!