Jesus stayed three days in the temple when He was 12 years old. He listened and asked questions of the teachers, attaining information not available at home.
He needed to search the scriptures to know His Heavenly Father just as we need to do.
At His baptism The Holy Spirit rested upon Him and His Dad publicly announce, “You are My Son the Beloved; in You I have found My Delight.”
After He was filled with Holy Spirit and Knew Who He Was, Jesus was ready to fast 40 days in the desert and face the devil questioning Him, “If You are The Son of God?”
Jesus was filled up with everything He needed to stand firm.
My earthly fathers didn’t fill up my Love tank but God has done this. As I have learned of His LOVE for me and taken it into my soul then I have been able to stand up for what is True and Good and Acceptable, but when I was only partly filled I found myself backing down.
How does a person get filled up with the LOVE of GOD? Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer. Just talking about your day and asking Him about His day. Ask a question and listen for the answer.
He has answered all of my questions, I believe. Some of my answers arrived immediately but one came 30 years later. It was so interesting, I was eating breakfast and God said, “Yes.”
It was all I needed I knew what He was referring to. Why did He wait for so long? Maybe I wasn’t in the place to hear it before.
God is Good!