Intimate Love

Have you ever had the desire to hold a memory?

One day in my fifties, I have desire to find a set of jacks, the old metal kind that I used when I was 8 years old.

It is just a thought in the back of my mind until I am asked to lead a Bible Study group.

For some reason I speak up at our first meeting.

“I am on the lookout for a set of metal jacks, could you let me know if you find some?”

The next week one of the women arrives with a pack of Jacks, just as I remember! She  just gives them to me.

Her story consists of a trip to a gift shop in an airport in the 1980’s. She sees the Jacks, thinks of a niece, and picks them up.

Little does she know, it is God guiding her to pick up Jacks and hold on to them for 35 years, knowing one day, years in the future, we will meet, and I will ask a very random question!

I did take them out of the package and play jacks on the ground. Surprised by the rules on the package that I have never heard of.

Isn’t it just like Jesus,

to know,

 I need to know

He is thinking of me and





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