
I found the truth about what takes away my pain.

It has not been my breakfast, but the vitamin Magnesium.

Today I experimented by taking Magnesium as soon as I woke up. The pain didn’t completely leave until I took pain medicine but, then the pain was gone.

The hours curled up in a ball waiting for pain to leave, didn’t happen.

Thirty years ago, I learned Physical Therapy and pain medicine would take enough pain away for me to move. One or the other didn’t work, my body needed both to take away enough pain to function.

Bonus, exercise made my dropsy foot disappear.

It is good to find something to help the sting of my new nerves so I am able to continue getting stronger.

This week, I have run 5 miles, twice ! It has been years since I have run more than 2 miles at a time. My strength is returning and so is speed. I have also noticed new muscles!

Does anyone else have other ways to get rid of pain in muscles?


4 thoughts on “Magnesium

  1. Be sure to s-t-r-e-t-c-h after running for a few minutes when your muscles are warm. This is more important than when you are finished.

    1. The muscles that hurt are my back and abdominal muscles that are newly filled with nerves. I cannot stretch them because of the rod connected to my spine. What I have found is that if I am running my muscles stay loose it is when I stop that they tighten up. Interesting isn’t it? Love You!

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