The Peace stealer, life is attacking:
I turn to my dear old friend, Praise and Worship! Peace returns.
Today has been a good day, but my husband found out he needs more testing. The Blood test gave a reason but why is the other question.
My mind goes to the worst case possible. Then I choose to fight and turn on Michael W Smith’s Worship album, “Surrounded!” My soul is comforted and I am able to tackle my chores.
Depending on how needy I am, Worship is Filled with Passion! Worship is better when I need it! Life has been pretty calm lately and I haven’t needed it as deeply. I kinda missed needing to PRAISE with ALL MY MIGHT!
Of Course at the end of the day I find an email telling me I still owe a bill. I know it is taken care of, but the fear of a problem tries to steal my Peace!
Thank You Holy Spirit for the tools to fight the good fight and keep my Peace.
Thank You Jesus! God Is Very Good!