Perfect Love

“Perfect Love casts out fear,” rises in my spirit as I follow my phone to the hotel.

Volunteering at the Joyce Meyer Women’s Conference downtown St. Louis, I eat lunch and walk to my room for a nap.

People ahead of me cross the road to stay away from 15-20 men standing on a street corner. Believing God doesn’t want me to fear, I walk up to them and ask, “Can I pray for you?”

I am not sure how to do this, but God does. Half of the men circle and join hands with me and the man opposite me in a wheelchair. I pray what I know to pray and say, “Thank you!”

Continuing on, JOY FILLS MY HEART: fear is defeated!

In the next block, I see a crazy person in a park; I try to ignore her, but God keeps nudging me. PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR, I walk to this person with q-tips sticking out of both ears and mumbling, “Do you want me to pray for you?” I don’t understand the response, so standing next to her I pray without touching her and go on my way.

Filled with Joy, I ask many in passing if they will allow me to pray for them, for the day, about 17/20 say, yes!

The last person God led me to is sitting on the sidewalk outside Busch Stadium, watching a play off game. A TV set up for the homeless, or overflow?

He gives me his name and allows me to take his picture! During the prayer he added, “Give me a sound mind!” I Believe God gave him his sound mind!

He shows me to pray, God to Bless People with a Sound Mind and a Sound Body.

1 John 4:18-19 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us.




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