I go for a run just after 8:00 P.M.. It is dark but not late.
First I run to the cemetery and have a thought, “Stay away from the back.”
I tell myself, “Don’t let fear rule.”
Sam stops short and will not move.
Maybe I should listen to the thought and take the short rout.
Sam agrees and runs with me.
Approaching the park from the North, I notice a vehicle driving very slowly towards the park from the East. Slowing down, I watch and check if it is a police vehicle. It is white.
IT is NOT police.
Running past the vehicle, I stop for Sam and clean up.
I loose track of the white vehicle and take off running my normal route to the gas station.
Approaching the turn in the road, I realize that I have heard a vehicle coming up behind for a while.
I pull Sam to the sidewalk and watch a white vehicle drive past me very slowly. They drive toward the gas station.
Foolishly, I start to run behind them until. . . .
Wisdom speaks up and says, “Turn around and go home.”
Running towards home I think, “Maybe I should call my husband.”
Instead I ask, “God, Send Your Angels to keep me safe and anyone out tonight!”
Later at home I hear,
Wisdom suggests I run earlier.