Have you heard of this TV program? They are taping the forth season at this time and I am waiting for it.
I first heard of it from Jerry Jenkins in his writing guild. His son, Dallas Jenkins was chosen by God to tell the story of Jesus through those who knew Him on earth.
The first time I saw his work was on Facebook, the short film of “The Shepherd.” When I saw it I cried and cried! I wanted to invest but we were out of a job at that time.
Jerry gave the information for the first four episodes and the first night I couldn’t log on, but I had access later and I watched them over and over.
This is the Jesus I Know!
The Jesus Who has taken me through all of everything and meets me where I am at. He knows when I am ready to grow and face the memories I protected myself from.
I do watch some of The Chosen nightly. Some nights it takes away my pain, and other times it just clears my mind of garbage. This program has been teaching me a better way to respond to situations.
If you haven’t checked it out I am begging you to! Look on your phone for “The Chosen App” and start watching for free! Let it change your life like it has changed mine.
God Is So Very Good.