This strange body that I have is starting to confuse my husband.
For our almost 40 years of marriage my body has run hot, especially while sleeping. I would wake in the night and throw off the covers but keeping my legs covered.
One night I touched my back and found hot skin down to this line across my buttocks. It was amazing how cold skin below the line was in comparison .
That line appeared after back surgery the summer of my freshman year of high school. After turning 50 that line started to change when my nerves began reconnecting. (IT is all a miracle from God!)
The change is much like ink on a piece of paper and the attempt to erase it. As the eraser is rubbing, the ink line smears. This explains the sensation of my nerves.
I asked my doctor about the heat and she compared it to quadriplegic not able to control their core temperature. I have always thought the perfect coat would be one that had arms and no vest, especially when walking.
One day I asked a women what hot flashes were like. She described heat building from inside the core.
From that definition I have had hot flashes for 40 years and now that I am 60 they are almost gone. How weird is that?
God Is So Good!