THIS morning started with the realization that my rechargeable mouse died, an easy fix to buy a new one.
On the other hand, just as I was making dinner, I heard water running.
Bart went downstairs to get a light bulb and found water pouring into the basement from between two bricks, it was covering most of the floor but there were some dry spots yet. We turned off the water to the house but the water keep pouring in.
Who do you call at 9:00 P.M. on Memorial Day?
Bart tried a few numbers and finally called the police.
They arrived in minutes and got to work trying to find a way to stop the water and helping to gather water in a bucket and put it down a drain. They brought some putty to try and it worked except the water started to push through in a different spot.
The Police did get a hold of the man in charge of the water. He arrived and shut off the water line to the house. God Bless the Police in this town!
They all thought the water must have been leaking for a while, but there are no puddles of water anywhere but the basement.
I heard it when it started about 5:00 but it was such a little noise, by 8:00 I knew water was running somewhere. God Is Good!
God has a way of making things known early so the damage is minimal.