I pray prostrate each morning and evening “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You oh LORD!” Psalm 19:14.
I add, “Put Your Words in my mouth,” because the words out of my mouth cause much trouble.
This verse correlates well with Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed by this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what the will of God is, that which is Good and acceptable and perfect.
This verse transformed my life.
I used to wash dishes looking out the window and say, “I did it again! I never get it right!”
But God, my favorite two words.
He taught me this Idea about Being the Righteousness of God and as I spoke this over my life adding “I am LOVED BY GOD! I am the Beloved! HE ACTUALLY LIKES ME!” My life started to change for the better.
I Choose Daily to Believe the Best and Confess Life Words, changing my life completely!
Walking in the Righteousness of God is a gift I receive when I believe Jesus. HE died on the cross to take all my ugliness and give me His Goodness and Righteousness.
It has everything to do with covenant. I will write more about this some other time. The thing to understand is God The Father sent His Son to pay for sin which separates people from God. Since He did this all we have to do is Receive the gift of His Righteousness and walk in it.
I suggested this to a friend. She told me how she stood taller and responded differently to people she interacted with, even difficult people were nicer. Her whole day was better because of the way she thought of herself.
It is not easy. It takes years, but nothing changes until someone decides to take the first step! Try it out and see how God thoughts change lives for the Good!
God Is Very Good.