Freedom From Pictures

Pictures in my mind are not a foreign concept.

For 40 years I had a picture in my mind every time I shut my eyes. My 7 year old self’s attempt to protect myself from remembering a horrendous event.  God set free in my 50’s!

Lately, Satan took the chance to insert more pictures into my mind by using Dr. Phil’s interview of children. Hearing the description 0f two stories dropped pictures in my mind.

Not wanting the pictures but not sure what to do, I would think on these whenever they entered my mind.

Finally, I decided to act when the pictures filled my mind while reading my Bible.

“God, Why is this picture filling my mind while I read Your Word?”

Speaking out loud I say, “Satan take your pictures and flee! I am a child of God and you have no place here!”

That has worked for 30 years but not today.

Next I call to Jesus, “Put what is good and acceptable in my mind as I am learning in Philippians 4:8!”

He did!

Later the pictures return during a walk with my husband.

 “Satan take your bad thoughts and leave!”

The pictures didn’t leave, but I learned earlier call on Jesus!

“Jesus to give me the good thoughts again.”

He did again!

Learning one day at a time, JESUS PAID to set me free.

I know I am not the only one with bad thoughts. Finding out that I can choose what to think changed my life completely. Does anyone have stories about choosing to take control of unwanted thoughts?


Changing Times

Change starts with a class teaching me how to use AI to improve my writing.

When I put down my fear and step out and try a new thing, it will open me to expanding my imagination and vocabulary.

After spending so many years closing myself down in self-protection, it takes work and determination to open up to new possibilities.

The second change becomes final when our neighbor finishes moving out this morning, and the new owners start moving in this afternoon.

When I first see the for sale sign it feels like I am punched in the gut! My first thought is to fall apart and mourn my loss, but then I have a wonderful idea and change it into a But God moment.

I decide to ask God to Bring us a Better Blessing! We need good friends for both of us so Double our Blessing for our former shame as it says in Isaiah 61:7a!

When everything looks like it is falling apart, it is the perfect time for God to step in and Bless us as we seek His Face.


Have you ever had a But God, moment?

Tell me about it.

Dispose of Bad Thoughts

Trauma in childhood, opens my mind to unwanted thoughts.

I don’t know I have a choice of thoughts until I am in my twenties.

In the second year of our marriage I wake nightly at 3:00 A.M., with tormenting thoughts. The only way I return to sleep is to read a God stories.

Soon after this starts, I hear someone on the radio talk about the authority of the believer.

They say, “If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you are a child of God and He has given you authority in Jesus’ name over Satan!”

The next night I wake, I speak out-loud, “Devil you have no place here, I am a child of God! Go! Flee!”

The tormenting thoughts leave immediately but come back. I repeat for two more nights and he leaves for good.

This Wisdom works well for 40 years, but today I need God to step up and help!

Lately, I have been confessing  Philippians 4:4-8 out loud as a prayer asking God for help to keep my mind thinking what is good, true, honorable, right, pure, lovely excellent, and worthy of Praise.

Last week, while reading scripture out loud satanic pictures drop into my mind. I tell Satan to take his pictures and leave but they don’t.

I don’t understand how bad thoughts are filling my mind as I read my Bible but here they are.

Since I have been praying Philippians I thought, ask God!

“God could you fill my mind with what is Good, True, Pure, and Honorable.”

He Did!

Has anyone else needed help with unwanted thoughts?


I found the truth about what takes away my pain.

It has not been my breakfast, but the vitamin Magnesium.

Today I experimented by taking Magnesium as soon as I woke up. The pain didn’t completely leave until I took pain medicine but, then the pain was gone.

The hours curled up in a ball waiting for pain to leave, didn’t happen.

Thirty years ago, I learned Physical Therapy and pain medicine would take enough pain away for me to move. One or the other didn’t work, my body needed both to take away enough pain to function.

Bonus, exercise made my dropsy foot disappear.

It is good to find something to help the sting of my new nerves so I am able to continue getting stronger.

This week, I have run 5 miles, twice ! It has been years since I have run more than 2 miles at a time. My strength is returning and so is speed. I have also noticed new muscles!

Does anyone else have other ways to get rid of pain in muscles?


The Goodness of Vitamins

Magnesium my new wonder drug!

Sunday morning sitting in church, smack dab in the middle of the sermon my abdominal muscles start to scream. I want to curl up in a ball. Pain medicine doesn’t help.

The nerves continue screaming the next day and nothing helps. Needing groceries, I head to the store and use the cart to walk. I make a point to pick up magnesium, we have been out for a few days.  Arriving home I opened the magnesium and take a dose and again with breakfast.

Surprise, after only an hour or two I feel pain free.

My great deductive ability realizes the only change is Magnesium, so I add it to my need to have daily list.

In my 20’s I learn a multi vitamin keeps me healthy, and extra vitamin B helps my emotions stay in check.

In my 50’s I learn bananas every day keep muscle from stabbing me with pain.

After I started running a beautiful salad of spring mix and my chopped up vegetables (my daughter calls mulch) gives me energy. It sometimes take up to two hours to eat, but it feeds my body.

When I pay attention to my body it tells me what feeds my body and what does not. Fiber is very important, also protein. Sugar makes me weak.

It is so good to learn what helps. The first years of my life I was clueless!

What kind of things have you found that help you live life more successfully?

Do you agree with any of my learned wisdom?


The Great Turnaround

An overwhelming feeling of dread fills my soul.

Hiding from fear in the TV, I look for help by opening my prayer journal and writing,

“Help Jesus, Help!”

Something in my soul shifts!

Still feeling in need of some courage I ask,

 “Bart, can you help?

He helps me bring all the equipment out and we talk about the work that needs to get done. Once I am settled he leaves me to enjoy the work and I start digging.

Working for a few hours I feel accomplished.  The thought of running enters my mind. Putting my tools away, I change shoes, grab a dog, and head to the cemetery.

Missing the setting sun I watch the clouds change colors and am pleased with my run after digging.

Bart asks, “How did your day turn out?”

“It turned out to be a wonderful day! It all changed when I wrote in my journal, ‘Help Jesus, Help!’

Not much has changed but my attitude. There is still too much work but I now believe I am able to accomplish it all!

It is amazing how a shift in thinking and a little prayer can change the outcome of a day.



It has been a Joy in my life to take pictures and post them for my friends on Facebook.

Facebook has changed and I no longer have the ability to post pictures, so I thought it might be good to show off here.

I will say that catching the sunset has been something that kept my life in order as we traveled the 5000 mile trip a few times a year for 5 years.

IT doesn’t matter where you are in this world the sun always rises and sets.

So I hope you enjoy! God Bless!


The questions rolling around in my mind for the last 10 years are being answered.

About 6 weeks ago my sister received a package of letters and pictures from our childhood. Some of the pictures have sent me spinning and a letter to the court shows delusional thinking.

Asking for help the first place says, “We cannot help you.”

Turning to God I ask, “I need You to set me up with the perfect person to help me!”

That evening I receive an email from a counselor. She appreciates my email address.  Only God can turn a no into a yes.

Sometimes getting the answer to the question means facing the possibility that the worst might have happened.


Learning Trust

God Says, “Be anxious for nothing!”

I learn this blessing in 1997.

Moving from a town of 30,000 where my husband walks home for lunch, to a city with an hour transit each way brings anxiety filled changes.

Reaching our new city we hear the radio announce the city’s achievement of passing the goal of a million people, and we witness three accidents before we reach our new neighborhood! Fear becomes my constant companion especially when I need to drive.

Playing with my daughter outside, I notice each evening vehicles drive down the road, into a garage, which swallows up all the proof that people live here.

Finally, I find friends through MOPS. Collecting phone numbers, I call every number talking about fears and frustrations daily.

I often call back and ask, “Have I told you this?”

My friends didn’t stay friends long.

One day, I hear Joyce Meyer preach how she learns to give all her worries to God. She finds Peace and become board as anxious thoughts leave.

As I start to do this, the worry phone calls diminish and my mind is not as busy. This is not a successful only journey, but with each step in the direction of giving away worry, life becomes more enjoyable. Philippians 4:6-8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

When I spend time in prayer and praise (above)

I receive (below)!

And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

I am successful at one point and notice Peace fill my soul. I wonder what am I suppose to think about if I am not worried or anxious? The answer:

Finally, brethren, 

         whatever is true,

                 whatever is honorable,

                         whatever is right,

                                  whatever is pure,

                                        whatever is lovely,

                                               whatever is of good repute,

                                                        if there is any excellence,

and                                                            if anything worthy of praise,

                                                                              let your mind dwell on these things.

                                                                  GOD IS SO VERY GOOD!

God Blessings

Some days feel like everything goes wrong even when  trying to do right.

Today seemed to be telling me that I messed up, so what do I do?

Talk to God and ask for guidance!

Today, my plans are not  important! Take care of my husband. First, make a good breakfast to help the day go well.

Second, run while the sun is up. Cold returned so I layer up.

My muscles are not ready to run!