Forty Years IN Jesus

September 17, 2021, marks the 40th anniversary of my walking with Jesus.

It started when my family moved West to Oregon: even though I had completed one year of college I was not ready to live on my own, so I moved with them.It only took one summer for me to realize I could not live there with them so I took a train back to the University of North Dakota.

Isn’t it like God to make things feel so uncomfortable that we have to move to the next area God has planned. The fear of changing and living on my own was less scary than staying in a very uncomfortable place.

Once back at school I contacted Jill, the friend I had made my freshman year.  She was a Christian who lived across the hall going out to sing every week. I know now that God gave me the desire to ask, “Can I join your group?”

She took me to the first Folk Group meeting of the new school year. We did a Bible Study, “Out of the Salt Shaker,” then we were asked to write what we believed the goal of the group was.

Before breaking to go back to the dorm we prayed as a group popcorn prayer. I noticed they had something I didn’t have. As they prayed, I told God, “I want what they have.”

God filled me instantly with JOY and LOVE I had never known before and He gave me a desire to devour the Bible! I wanted to tell everyone what I have found!

What I wrote for a goal was how I wanted to tell everyone about this LOVE I was filled with; they thought it wasn’t the kind of goal they were asking for, but they counted it as becoming Born Again, a new believer in Jesus.

I grew up in church, was baptized, went to Sunday school, confirmation, and was confirmed. I had a Bible and tried to read it but couldn’t keep it going. The 23rd Psalm was something I knew because my mom helped me memorize when I was 8 years old. My Grandma read Bible to us every night when we lived with her, but at home Mom only prayed before meals and at bed time until we were of age, and she brought us to church.

What did Jill do that drew me in to see something more than just going to church?

Jill didn’t condemn me for my life style, but she walked in LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. She told me of a better way to live but didn’t push, just gave information. I am sure she prayed for me and she invited me to join her to do some fun things.

When I returned to school and I asked to join her, Jill took me to Folk Group and introduced me to IVCF. I found out I could have fun without drinking. People accepted me and LOVED me even when I wanted to run away because I didn’t know how to be accepted. They nurtured me and discipled me until my accident, (but that is another story)

God has been teaching me how to be a friend; apologize if I overstep my bounds, not judge lifestyle, walk alongside people, and build them up in Jesus. He has defiantly been teaching me how to Love and Forgive the unlovable and realize most people act the way they do out of hurt or pain.

God wants to use you to show His LOVE!




Entering the Rest of God

What do you think of when you hear, “The Rest of God?”

I think of it as Peace in the most tumultuous situation.  Reading Hebrews 4:1-2 it talks about the rest of God but it says those who don’t have it don’t mix faith with the words they hear preached.

The first time I found the Rest Of God was about 25 years ago when I learned how to bring all my worries to God and leave them there. Learning how to Trust God with everything, for a short while I became bored. My brain used to be filled with thoughts, worries, and fears: now I was able to choose what to think.

This was the beginning of listening to the words that cycled through my brain when depression or fear arose.  I learned how to catch the bad thoughts of “I talked to much” or “nobody likes me”  and  “I do everything wrong” to  kick them out of my brain.

I replace the bad words with God’s words in my mouth and speak out loud “I am LOVED BY GOD” and “I am the Righteousness of God in Jesus” and “I am treasured!”

This was a battle I had to fight daily and it took 20 years before I really got good at it.

The real breakthrough came when God showed me “my shame”so He could take it away!

When He did that it exposed what I believed all my life at least since I was 7 years old. The thought in my subconscious mind  was “I am garbage.” With this thought out in the open my life started to really change. Just ask my husband.

What my story really shows is that when a person believes God and His Word they put it into action. That is probably what James is talking about Faith without works is dead. I could attach scripture to each of these actions.

I believed God!

I acted on His Word!

My life changed!

Keto and Lemon Water

About 6 months ago I tried to do the intermittent fasting and failed. I just watched a program about Keto and intermittent fasting by Eric Berg “The New Body Type” and it is getting my attention. This program went straight into facts and didn’t spend an hour selling.

The reason I found it is because the benefits of lemon water showed up on my YouTube feed. I watched his program on drinking lemon water because it has been a daily habit for almost 10 years and I have taken it with me everywhere I have traveled.

Anyway, I was interested in the facts and it sounds like there are many benefits  for example, keeping the liver happy? I should watch it again and take notes.

Thinking about eating the salad for breakfast makes me think I was probably more energetic when I started my day with my plate of salad and boiled eggs. The reason I quit probably has much to do with Dad dying and the traveling to the West Coast twice this last two months. There is nothing like 8000 miles driving that will  mess up a person’s eating habits.

It might be a good thing to return  to eating salad for breakfast and see how it fills me with energy. I will check out this keto thing and see how I can fit it into my life.

If nothing else I do know that drinking my lemon water every day is a very Good thing and I will continue to use it every day, it is a good thing that I truly enjoy lemons!

God Bless you this very day. Amen!

Being truthful God reminded me today I started cutting back on my salad breakfast because it is so much easier to just fry eggs and have a piece of toast. Eating the more healthy way takes more work but I feel better and have more energy so the goal is to keep working at getting better each day.

God is so Very Good!


I know this is not like most of my stories, but life piling up. Dad died this May and we have driven 7,000  miles in the last few months interrupting my garden weeding and planting. My house is a mess with many projects started and nothing finished.

Today I went out to look at my garden to find some creature is eating my peas as they come up. A few years ago it was a vole that ate the seeds as soon as they were planted, now it is a chipmunk climbing my  fence to eat his fill of strawberries and peas and other new sprouting vegetables.

What I know is God still LOVES ME and that He is going to strengthen me as I keep pushing forward!

Today I pushed past my fear and tried a new dinner,  Tuscan-Herbed Chicken over Creamy Tomato Linguine. Someone sent us one of those dinners that come with all the ingredients to make a fine restaurant stile dinner in an hour. The most impressive part of this is I ate the noodles and almost enjoyed them.

Hopefully tomorrow will have sunshine instead of the rain pouring and I will push past whatever it is that is stopping me from getting into my raspberries! My favorite fruit! The fruit is on the vine ready to pick but something has kept me from digging into them.

Maybe I am still processing the death of our dad. I will soon write something on him, this man who saved me but didn’t know how to deal with a broken child. But God has a way of healing the broken heart.

God Bless each of you with LOVE AND PEACE Filling your daily life.