I am taken by surprise to see the picture my husband takes of me walking into the room.
What happen?
God healed bones and nerves to give me strength stand to stand up straight, and I lost it?
Back in 2010, my muscles are so weak I need assistance walking any distance. I use my husband and daughter to help me walk, but I am about ready to get a cane. My butt muscles need help.
Before I buy a cane, God steps in! He gives me brand new vertebrae which takes away pain and starts connecting nerves to create muscle strength.
An example of of my weakness before: my middle school daughter comes home from school,
“Mom can we play catch?”
Heading out back with mitts and a softball we start but I am not able to throw the ball across the yard to her. Why?
I switch to underhanded tossing and it works, but my body stops functioning after only three throws.
“What is going on? Why can’t I throw the ball? Is sitting on the couch all I can do? I am only 40 years old!”
A few years later I loose the ability to raise my right hand above my head or extend it out in front of me. I don’t understand.
Age 49, God challenges me to run! Christmas 2011, I am able to run a funky mile by running the blocks and walking the streets. I am working hard enough to stop at the end of the street to catch my breath before I turn and run home.
The next day I have a desire to run. I’m thinking,
I can’t run two days in a row.
The desire is strong enough I try,
Wow! I can lift my legs and run!
Running two days in a row is a definite miracle! God is So Very Good!
Over the years, God continues to teach me how to stand straight and tall so the bones reform causing me to loose my forward lean. I am able to grow muscles and my new strength erases my limp. It is shocking when I try to show someone my old posture but it is gone! My forward lean disappeared.
A friend says, “Every seven years our cells completely change over.”
I have spent enough time standing straight and tall that my forward lean is erased!
Looking at the picture I wonder,
“I have been standing tall and straight for years, so why am I leaning so far forward?
Searching for answers I decide my peak happens in 2017 when my daughter sees me returning from a 10 mile run and says,
“Your legs are skinny!”
The first inclination of weakness shows up after Mom dies January 2018 when I need someone to help me weed my flower garden.
The year 2019, comprises of being caretaker for my dad and my husband. This is when my thinking starts to change from run to walk,
“I am able to run 5 miles so I should be able to walk 5 miles.”
November 2021, Grace, my cat dies. May 2022 Dad dies and depression starts to creep into my life.
When I try to get my strength back I believe lies!
First I believe all I need to do is run one mile a day to keep my strength.
A year later, I remember when God taught me to run at least 2 miles daily, But it is not enough.
In the winter of 24-25, I happen to run 5 miles and the next day I feel strength in my core! I am standing tall for the first time in years!
Since life gets in the way, I started doing planks and push-ups daily. This helps me stay strong enough to run when I get the chance.
It is a journey of faith as I fight for health and strength!
Strength makes life easier and more fun!