Healing my Soul

The first step of my soul being healed took place when we moved to my grandparent’s farm. They attended a little country church, the first week I asked my mom if I could join the choir.

I was 8 years old and it was a choir of about 8 adults: they allowed me to join. I remember singing in the choir up front and looking up to where God was. I was asking God to be in my life. God started to heal to my soul, from the prior year of stuff people make movies out of. During fifth grade I started taking communion and it filled me with  Joy, until I was yelled at, but that is another story.

Eleven years later, I joined a Praise team for Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship; closing the first meeting we gathered to pray, I saw something in them that I didn’t have. I asked God, at that moment to give me what they had. He did! I was filled with LOVE and JOY that carried me through everything, even 35 years later. I wanted to tell everyone about this Great Joy and Love, but  my friends tried to get me to calm down just a bit. I was probably more like a bull in a china shop for many years.

Even with this Joy, I struggled with depression and anxiety; it doesn’t sound like it meshes does it? I can’t explain it but it is true. Reading my journals from all the years they are all filled with Joy even when I was going through struggles. Maybe just Knowing The God of the Universe was listening to me and He cared about me made the difference.

Some anxiety left when I became a mother, but most of the work began when I found Joyce Meyer on the radio and then on the TV. She taught me to give my worries to God and then change the way I was thinking to line up with the way God says in His Word. Think on Good and Positive things. It has taken 20 years, but the first year I practiced giving God my worries and leaving them with Him, greatly improved my everyday life.

My suggestion to heal your soul is to connect with God, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! The Great I AM! Jesus His Son Who Saves! and Holy Spirit!


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