New Year 2024

Making a New Year resolution has never worked for me.

But, Remembering God’s new grace each morning brings Hope.

Today, I am on day 67 of 10,000 steps. Running has been a hit or miss, but things changed December 21.

I now have 23 days of running consecutively.

How did it switch?

In December God reminded me:

  • When I run consecutive days in a row I stand taller, feeling strength in my core.
  • If I run weight comes off but, if I don’t run weight grows.
  • In 2012, God prompts me daily to run 2 miles for 30 days. Even if I walk some, run 2 miles.

Running two miles daily becomes my new goal.

A few days after starting, my body struggles. Exhaustion rules and my run consists of run 5-10 steps, walk 4-5 steps, repeat. Determination prevails and I make my two mile run.

Success comes with perseverance, at the end of a two mile walk I notice I am looking straight ahead!

Most of my life I have looked down.

It dawns on me that my back muscles have gained enough strength to hold my head up with ease.

The reason I need to run has to do with scoliosis and the foot long rod attached to my spine. My core muscles don’t gain strength in daily movement. I need to lift my legs higher than walking to engage the core muscles.

To keep this strength I know I need to run daily!


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